Chapter Twenty-Six

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It's the end of September and things couldn't be better. I've been at Family Dollar a month now and Shane and I are still together. I have formed friendships with my coworkers, and even reunited Tracy and Mama Tina. Right now we are all playing Monopoly and having a good time. This is what I always imagined a family would be like.

Tracy handed the last of her cash over to Abbie and sighed. "Okay, I've hit bankruptcy. I've sold everything and still broke. Time for me to tap out and go home."

"Bye!" Abbie smiled.

"I'm so used to being broke, now I got to go." Tracy sang and we all laughed.

We all got up and gave our hugs to Tracy so she could go home. On the days I work mornings with her, we usually hang out after. Mama Tina had today off, so we came over here instead. She has an apartment down the street from Tops.

We all sat back down and I picked up the dice to take my turn.

"Tracy went bankrupt and I keep ending up in jail." I sighed then I threw the dice and rolled a three, landing on go directly to jail spot. "Dammit!"

"Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars!" Katie sang after everyone finished laughing.

"But I don't want to go back to jail." I whined. "I'm innocent!"

Everyone laughed as I moved my shoe back to the jail spot I just hot out of two turns ago! Sheesh, I have bad luck with this game.

Mama Tins picked up the dice and rolled it, landing herself on Abbie's property.

"Pay up Mom!" Abbie smiled.

"Paying my daughter rent for one night, I'd never." She mumbled as she handed over the cash.

"I'm ready for a cookie break." Katie sighed.

"Tracy left without taking some!" Mama Tina sighed. "They should be cooled off my now."

The four of us jumped up and scrambled for the kitchen to eat our freshly baked cookies. Mama Tina and I both grabbed chocolate chip.

"I love chocolate." I sighed.

"Me too girl, me too." Mama Tinz sighed.

"You make the best cookies I've ever had. You really are like a mother to me."

She smiled. "I'm glad you came here with us. You'll always have a home here."

After the four of us polished off the dozen cookies we had made, we went back to the living room to continue the game of Monopoly. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted bright lights. Did Tracy forget something? I decided not to point out the vehicle and go back to the game.

As soon as we all were seated, there was a pounding on the door, causing us all to jump. Mama Tina got up and went for the door.

"Ma'am, we need you to step outside."

The three of us looked at each other and jumped up. We ran to the door just in timeto see them put her in handcuffs and lead her away.

"Mommy!" Abbie cried.

The cops looked back and saw the three of us in the doorway.

"There's children in the home!" One yelled.

"I'm eighteen. I live here. I can stay with them until their dad gets off work." I spoke up.

The one cop put Tina in the back of the police car and locked her in. She started crying and I felt my eyes water up with tears.

"What is going on?" Katie muttered.

"I don't know." I replied.

"When will Daddy be home?" Abbie asked.

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