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Welcome to a universe I'll call "The Chubverse". Here's the backstory of this universe.

In the 1800s, this universe was the same as our universe. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Until, the 1910s came, and then (all puns aside) some BIG changes came, molding this universe into what it is today.

The backstory went like this: there was a boy, who was bullied by almost everyone he knew (including his own family!) just because he was fat. The boy made a wish for everyone to stop making fun out of him and his weight... he said his wish to a tiger's paw*. The next day, his wish sort-of came true... but something was off, the boy's family was fat. They all released some type of yellow gas, and then, the whole country was obese in just one month. The gas spreads to all other countries in the world. As a result, literally everyone in the world was obese, there was no skinny person left. Scientists dubbed this "The Great Weight Gain of 1912" and it was here to stay, as there was no cure.

Nowadays, all people in this universe was still obese, and people even were born chubby. This was normal in this universe, however. Weight gain is seen as the norm here, while weight loss is nothing but a taboo. Weight loss is also illegal in this universe, and gyms still exists, however, there are illegal gyms all around the world, hidden from the police the same way as illegal drug labs.

In 1933, scientists found a way to make all healthy foods unhealthy to prevent them from becoming illegal. So, it was no wonder why everyone kept gaining; the heaviest person to live in this universe weight a grand total of ONE MILLION POUNDS. How he was still alive despite this was a mystery. A total of 49% of people living in this universe was also gluttons, and loved food; after all, gluttony being a sin was a thing of the past in this universe.

Now that you know everything about this universe, let's begin the story...

*The tiger's paw is a parody of the Monkey's Paw just so you know

FNF, but everyone is fat af (FNF WG)Where stories live. Discover now