AGOTI: The Void Prisoner

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Today, we'll be at the ex-singer known as "Agoti", otherwise known as "A Guy on the Internet".

As mentioned above, Agoti used to be a singer. Around that time, he was around 390 pounds; that's it, until he was forced to retire, all because of the Dearests. Over the two weeks following his retirement, he went from 390 pounds to 460 pounds, mainly due to stress eating.

Agoti lived with his brother, Aldryx, who weighted 450 pounds (just 10 pounds lighter than his brother!) and their father, Solazar, who was... 108,732,490 years old! He is known as the oldest person alive. Back then, before everything changed, Solazar was 120 pounds. Now? He went from that little number of pounds to 500 pounds.

Three weeks after Agoti's retirement, he went on a walk. He soon took notice of this enormous woman-- most of her fet went to her chest. How many pounds was she? 870? Doesn't matter. Agoti decided to mock this woman, especially cracking jokes about her breast size. The giant woman, named Nikusa, wasn't all that happy to hear that.

First, he was forced right into retirement by two huge, purple demons. Now, he's trapped in this stupid void.

Yeah, this place was literally called the Void. According to Nikusa, this Void was Agoti's special prison; she described it as "the place where artists go to die and the kingpins still stand". There's only one rule, though: Nikusa doesn't trap people that weighted 1000 pounds and further that in the Void.

Which gave Agoti this idea; if he can gain enough pounds to reach 1000, he can get out in no time!

Luckily for Agoti, somebody he knew was also there, in the Void, but as a tourist. That somebody was Tabi, a guy who weighted 430 pounds. He used to be Girlfriend's boyfriend, until one day, he broken up with her and lose his music career to her dad. Then, a couple of random guys came and cursed him; now, his body was invisible, except for head and hands; the hands were reduced to bones, and his head was swapped for a goat skull. Despite everything that happened to the two of them, Agoti and Tabi remained best friends.

"Agoti? Why are you here?" "Mrs. Nikusa trapped me in this void... just because I made fun out of her. You?" "Oh, Nikusa gave me a tour of her void." "Lucky you. Anyways, I just remembered, she doesn't allow people who weights more than 1000 ibs here. Perhaps you can help me reach that goal?" "Is that your plan to escape?" "Yeah, it is." "Alright bro, let's do it... where should we start, anyways?"

So Agoti and Tabi explored the Void, hoping to find some place with a ton of food for the digidevil to eat. Just then, Agoti found a hidden trapdoor in one of the rocks. "Oh? What's this?" "I don't know, Agoti... I never saw this before."

When Agoti opened the door, there was a blinding flash of white. Agoti and Tabi went down the trapdoor via ladder. As it turns out, inside the trapdoor was a hidden room full of all types of foods. "Why did she left this room inside this rock? Didn't she knew somebody was gonna find it eventually?" "Who cares? This was exactly what I was looking for! Time to dig in!"

And then Agoti began stuffing himself. Tabi watched in amazement as Agoti began to rapidly gain weight due to his fast eating. Agoti knew he was gonna hit the 1000 pound mark anytime soon; he was going to be a free man soon! It was only a matter of time...


The next morning, Nikusa did the "weight checks" she did every morning. To her surprise, Agoti now weighted 1290 pounds! She confronted him. "Agoti. You just broken the one rule we all know and respect here. Get out." And so, Agoti was sended back home via slingshot. He did it; his plan worked! He has hitted the 1000 pounds mark, he was a free man!

A crowd came to celebrate his miracle escape from the Void. Among them was Tabi, of course; and then there was Aldryx and Solazar, who were proud of their son. However, there's somebody else in the crowd...

It was a "TV head" who weighted 350 pounds. Not that much, but it was enough. Too bad he can't eat human food! The TV head gave Agoti a letter. So once Agoti, Aldryx and Solazar went back home, Agoti decided to read the letter the TV head gave to him. What he saw was a surprise in its own; could Agoti's career come back for a possible round 2?

"Come to MM Records headquarters, there's something I need to tell you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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