Chapter 5

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It is Monday, 10 am and I am currently getting over a mini panic attack before I realized that it was summer break. School really does take a toll on the soul. I better head down stairs.

Downstairs it was announced that now, because I tend to stick with Nat and no one else that they know of, once a week I will have to pick an activity to do with each of them separately.

A few of them, I already know for example...

Sam: Air zoo visit

Steve: A cafe where there is a wall of Fan art of him with people's hopes and dreams in Brooklyn

Bruce: The New museum exhibits about Black holes (a science topic I can actually impress with my knowledge of it)

Bucky: This underground cafe type thing with open mike poetry on Saturday and Thursday nights and has a library

Other than that, I don't really know for everyone else.

Another filler, I'm having a really hard time with the plot.

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