To Date or Not To Date

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Warning weird mental dialogue ahead.

Levi was standing outside Hanji's door with his little leather jacket and a bouquet of roses in his hand.

Fuck this was a bad idea. Should I? Should I not? Crap, why did I ask her again? Oh yeah, I remember.....

7 hours earlier

"Hey, Shitty Glasses." Levi called to her and ran up grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

"Hey, Levi..." Hanji said with her head down and a low voice. Levi obviously knew that she was disappointed.

"What's wrong, Shitty Glasses? You looks like you haven't taken a shit in a long time." Levi said with no emotion, attempting to cheer her up. Motivating people wasn't his strongest suit.

"Today. Levi what's today? No one cares...." Hanji sighed looking over her shoulder at something, almost like she was looking at a ghost.

"Ummmm.... September 5th." Levi said wracking his brain for what day it was today.







Shit it's her birthday. I completely forgot. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Ummm... What should I do?

Come on Levi think. You're an Ackerman your expert in these things...

No, you're crap when it comes to disappointed girls.

You could at least be optimistic, Levi so it can motivate me.

Levi, you're not good at motivating in general.

Just shut up, crap what's she saying? Is she talking to us?

Yes she is so shut up and listen.

"-but what day is September 5?" Levi tuned in to hear her say that.

"Four Eyes, I know you're a bit disappointed about your bday, but I can totally make it better." Levi assured her.

Oh, watcha gonna d osmart guy?

Shut up other Levi. I'll handle it.

"How about I'll take you out to dinner tonight?" Levi randomly blurted out the first idea that came to mind.

Hanji looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Really, Levi? You'd do that for me?"

"O-Of course."

Shit what did I get in to now I have a date.

That's what you get, Levi, when you take over.

Shut up, Levi.

Present Time

He must have taken his invitation as some sort of date because he went a bit over board. He got roses, chocolate, fancy restaurant!

Levi rang the doorbell and waited. After 5 minutes of constant ringing she finally opened the door.

Now she must have taken his invitation as a hang out. So she came dressed in ratty jeans, a band t-shirt of Paramore and black old converse. When Hanji stepped out the door smiling she stopped and gave him a surprised look at how well he cleaned himself up.

"Good evening, mademoiselle." Levi said with a corny accent and took a mocking bow. He held out his hand for her.

"I should say the same to you, Mr.Ackerman." Hanji copied his accent and placed her hand on top of his.

Do it, Levi.

Don't have to ask me twice, Levi.

He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her knuckles and bent on one knee, and presented the flowers. Hanji was a deep shade of red, as red as the roses, and she took the deliberately.

"Wh-Why thank you, Mr.Ackerman." She stuttered putting on her fake accent again. She breathed in the scent and sighed. "How did you know roses were my favorite?"

"I can just tell, shall we go?" Levi held his arm out for her to hold onto. Hanji hooked her arm along with his and gave him a swift nod.

They walked arm in arm to the car, and for extra measures Levi opened the door for her, like the gentleman he is.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant it was jampacked with people. Levi wet over to the counter and started speaking with the lady at the table (in French, because this is fancy restaurant) and she led the two to their table.

The place was very elegant looking. The guests their were wearing dresses and tuxes. Then there was Levi and Hanji. The lady led the two to a private booth with curtains around it, in case of privacy. She handed them their menus and walked off without a word.

"Well, this seems pleasant." Hanji said after a long and awkward silence.

Craaaaaaaaaaap, she is imitating our unamused expression!!

Way to go, smartass.

"I'm glad you like it" the sarcasm dripping off his voice. Hanji rolled her eyes and smiled at him, showing all her white teeth.

"Thanks for this again, really this was really sweet of you." Hanji gave a heartwarming smile, the kind that will make the world stop turning and cause heart attacks.

His heart started beating faster and he turned his head away, so she wouldn't see his red face.

What the fuck, the heart is going haywire!!

Shut up, its inflected with love, nothing you can do for it now!

The lady came back with some fancy bread and butter, and took their orders. After a couple of minutes, a man with a handlebar moustache came by and dropped off some wine for the pair. Even though their under age the man must have mistaken them for other people.

"Care for some?" He asked popping open the bottle and giving it a good sniff.

"Why, yes please." She held out her glass and Levi carefully poured it in.

Someone must have bumped in to Levi because he flinched hard and spilled the red liquid all over Hanji.

"Oh gosh," she sighed and quickly grabbed a napkin.

"Sorry!" Levi started having a mental panic attack and helped her.

He grabbed a napkin and started dabbing away the stain on her thighs. To any bystander their position would look pretty sexual. It just so happens that a bystander did come in. The waitress walked in with their food and jumped back in surprise at the look of intimacy.

"A-Am I interrupting something?" She stuttered, and spoke for the first time. She had a very thick French accent.

Levi jumped back and since the tabkre was behind him, smacked his head on the table. "Ow!" He groaned, rubbing his head.

The waitress immediately set down the plates and scurried off. The food looked honestly very unappetizing. Levi ordered a weird soup thing and Hanji had some pasta that looked like worms.

"Bon appetite?" They both said and took a reluctant bite/sip. They tasted it a bit, and on cue they spit it out at the same time and started chugging their drinks to make the taste go away.

"This tastes like horse crap." Levi managed to say while gagging.

Hanji sighed. "Can we just sneak out and order pizza instead?" Hanji suggested.

"I'll bring the Call of Duty."

"Alright, let's do this."

Lol I'm crap at updating.


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