Fear of Water

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All Levi could hear was the sound of tiny droplets hitting the roof of his house. The whole room seemed to shake as the rain poured down in sheets. Through his open blinds you could see the drops forming and dissapearing as it continued to rain.

Laying on his bed staring up at the cieling (LOL CIELING AGAIN), Levi tried to drown his thoughts with his music. The lyrics and heavy guitar riff wasn't near as loud to avoid the sound of heavy rain hitting the rooftop.

Giving up he turned his phone back on and checked to see if he got any texts. Of course, only one person had texted him.

Hanji: Uh hey, Levi...

Raising his eyebrow, he wondered why she sounded so gloomy.

Levi: You seem to be in a crap mood. Anything on your mind, other than your favorite character dying in anime.

Hanji: No, i-it isn't really that...

Levi's eyebrow quirked up even more. She used the '...' and she stuttered. He formed a reply and pressed send.

Levi: Then, what? It must be pretty bad if you went as low as to "text stutter"

Hanji: Well...

He flinched, as a stroke of lightning danced across the sky, illuminating Levi's dark room for a milisecond. Rolling thunder, came in suite of the lightning.

Hanji: AH!

Hanji wrote just as the lightning striked. Levi's eyebrows were practically on the top of his hairline now, a small smirk on his face, realizing what she wanted.

Levi: Shitty Glasses...

Hanji: What..?

Levi: Are you afraid?

Hanji: What no-! I am no

She flinched too, pressing send, as a big rumble resonated through the whole neighborhood.

Levi: What was that? I couldn't hear you over the fact that youR SCARED OF WATER


Levi: And the truth slips.

Hanji: Fine, you got me, I am! But it ain't like you're gonna do anything 'bout it!

His eyes widened slightly as he read her reply, but she still had more to say.

Hanji: Because you're a meanie! That's why :P

Levi: Oi, oi, oi.

Hanji: Hmph! AH!

Another lightning flashed, followed by another rumble of thunder. Levi knew what she wanted.

Levi: Do you want me to go over there to you?

Hanji:....yes plz

He groaned loudly and looked outside again. It was still pouring and he didn't have his car (which was at the shop). He looked outside and back at his phone, then outside the back at his phone. Sighing again he grabbed his coat and umbrella and headed out the door, mentally preparing himself to get soaked.


Hanji shot up from her couch and raced downstairs, tripping on the way and falling on her face.


She fumbled trying to find her glasses which had dropped.


She swung open the door to find a soaked Levi holding an umbrella. She quickly ushered him inside closing the door immediately.

"Appreciate how much I care for you, Four-Eyes." Hanji just cackled, but was cut off as another thunder roll came by.

"J-Just, come." She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside fully.

He kicked off his boots and stared down at his attire.

"Eh, can I have like... A towel, I'm a bit wet."

Hanji smirked "You just got here and you're already wet?" She light chuckled as Levi scowled at her. She quickly grabbed a towel and threw it at his face, which he caught.

"So, what do you want?" He asked after he finished drying up, throwing the towel back at her face.

"I want you to be a good friend and comfort me from the storm, duh." She rolled her eyes and tried to pull off a brave face, despite the fact that she was still shaking. "Right, I can try to do that, although I've never been the comforting kind."

A big thunder rumble came and Hanji practically flew a few feet in the air and threw her arms around Levi as if he could provide some sort of protection against the storm. Not knowing what to do he just stiffened as his friend gripped onto him as if her life depended on it. She was truly scared of thunderstorms.

"Come on, Shitty Glasses." She looked up slightly but another flash if lightning lit up the room and she hid in his chest again shivering.

(I apologize for the OHSHC reference here, I was stuck)

He sighed and shook his head. Reaching into his pocket he brought out his IPod and headphones, plugging them in and shoving them on Hanji's ears, blocking out the noise of the rain. He slid her down against the wall and sat beside her.

Closing her eyes, Hanji rested her head against his shoulder and sat there, forgetting all about her fears, and the raging storm outside.

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