
117 1 0

Name: Y/n

Last name: Hirawa

Meaning: plain of harmony

Hair color: h/c

Hair style: h/s

Skin tone/color: s/t

Eye color: e/c

Height: 5ft 7in/ 170cm

Sexuality: gay( is polyamory a sexuality? If so that's part of it too😐)

Position(in bed😉): switch

Race: half Japanese-dad and half Vietnamese- mom

Language- Japanese and English(his mom might be Vietnamese but she was born in the U.S)

His family life is normal for the most part. He has divorced parents and a step mom who doesn't understand that he's not her biological child and keeps introducing him as her "son" which annoys him sometimes. Other than that it's normal.

Volleyball stats

Strength: 4/5

Speed: 5/5

Strategy: 5/5 (grades are normal but he's similar to Kageyama, smart on the court not so much off the court)

Stamina: 5/5( manz gonna need it for this book lol)


Voice: 1000000000/5

Guitar: 3/5

Drums: 4/5

Electric bass: 3/5

Cello 5/5

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