Chapter 2

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Kaki was the more social of the three so he took it upon himself to text his upperclassman that happened to be on the volleyball team.

Broski Kaki:

Yo, can you gather the whole volleyball team during lunch by the counselors office?

Make sure not to bring Y/n

Best senpai:

Sure, but why?

Broski Kaki:

Me and Enkai have something to talk to you guys about and it deals with Y/n

Best senpai:

Ok, see you till then

(I am so sorry my brain couldn't think of any good names and this is the most boring text convo I have ever seen!! I regret not being able to think of anything😭)

With that conversation over with and lunch rolling around the corner they just have to find a way to get Y/n distracted long enough for them to have this VERY importing conversation * wink wink nudge nudge* so once again he texts one of his friends who is also on the team but is only a manager.


Yo, home girl, Bestie bae, my most beautiful friend-


What do you need Kaki?


Can you distract Y/n for about 15 minutes during lunch?

If you need, go into the longest lunch line so it takes longer, Enkai and I are gonna be talking to the team about something


Ok, but you owe me



Now that everything is set up it was finally time for lunch. So Enkai and Kaki rush out the classroom trying to speed towards the counselors office so that they could finish this quickly and eat. As they round the corner they're greeted with the whole team waiting patiently for they're arrival.

"Nakayama-Kun why did you want to gather the whole team without Y/n?" Suga was the first to approach him. "Well, long story short, we're trying to get Y/n laid" Kaki answers while Enkai cut in "So we decided to do it with people he knows since it'll make it easier for him and you guys as well, of course only if you want to" the team only looked at them shocked until a few of them blushed from the idea of being railed by you or being the one doing the railing. " those who want to participate stay, the others who don't can go ahead and have lunch" after that comment a few started leaving namely Ennoshita, Narita, Kinoshita, and Tanaka.

"Now, you guys aren't the only ones told about this" Enkai continued explaining while Kaki just nods along. " we gave this proposal to others from other schools who you'll probably meet since they also play volleyball" Enkai finished his explanation on the odd situation as the others were just trying to accept that they admitted to wanting this. All their heads swirling with suggestive thoughts on the male this was all for, only for it to be interrupted by Kaki. " I suggest waiting on starting any this because....well, Y/n doesn't exactly know about this yet...and we" He ended his awkward speech with a questionable tone. "Uh, w-well thank you for informing us Nakayama, Takahashi" Daichi awkwardly thanked the two before everyone left for lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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