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You are a freshman at Karasuno University under a volleyball scholarship but you also did a music major as a back up since you loved music. You were fairly average in everything, height, looks, slightly higher than normal grades, but volleyball and music? That was a completely different topic. If someone were to ask about you they would only be able to talk about your voice and volleyball skills.

In the music department everyone adored you and if they had to have partners, you were their first pick because of your smooth voice that had a wide range along with the fact you were talented with instrument's especially the classical cello.

With volleyball you could play two positions, those being libero and middle blocker. You were the best at those mainly because you only move on instinct with hitting the ball back or letting you body move on it's own to block. In a way you could say you were just guessing, which was risky on your end but you always seemed to be right, only if you were fast enough to jump that is.

Anyway, this story is about how you somehow go from an average male in Japan to someone who keeps getting hot men to pleasure you and maybe even catch their hearts and them catch yours.

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