Odd Manager

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Around 3 days later. Charles is at his job as a bar waiter, when he gets a call. Since he has no customers, he excuses himself and steps out the back, he answers the phone.

"Leon, why are you calling? I'm at work! And don't you have work right now as well?"

"Oh, hello Charles~ It's your favorite cousin, Eve!" Eve giggles.

"Why the fuck do you have Leon's phone? Did you steal it?"

"Of course not, I'm just at Leon's work and he said to look after his phone. He might have given me a kiss~" Charles felt as if Eve had pierced his heart with a dagger. He feels his legs get weak.

'I'm not surprised. Leon hooks up with everyone.' Charles sighs. "Well I'm busy working. Fuck off, Eve." Charles hears the phone being shuffled around to another hand.

"Charles, sorry about that. I don't know why she called you."

"Yeah, okay. I must go, you should go back to your damn hook up." Charles ends the call with anger. Charles puts his phone in his pocket and sighs in frustration. When he walks back inside, he sees one of his co-workers in front of him, Aron. Aron is the manager of the bar. "Oh, Aron. Sorry for walking inside without looking. I just had a rough call."

"It's okay, Charles. I was actually looking for you." Aron smiles a stunning smile. Charles looks up at Aron confused and worried. "Would you like to hang out sometime? I only get to see you at work and I would like to know you more."

"Oh jeez, I was so worried I did something wrong. But sure, when?" Charles smiled sweetly.

"You would never be in trouble, you are too good at your job." Aron puts his hand on Charles' shoulder. "Meet me at the café across from our work, be there at 10am tomorrow. I heard they make a mean espresso." Aron removes his hand before he turns around and walks away. Aron starts to shout back, "ALSO, SOMEONE WANTED TO DO EXTRA TIME, SO YOU CAN LEAVE EARLY, ABOUT 2HRS!!"

"THANK YOU, SIR!!" Charles starts to remember his call with Eve and how he felt when she said they kissed. 'Why was I so....angry? It's not like Leon and I are a thing, I wouldn't even dream of dating him. Still doesn't explain my emotions that moment....ugh, whatever.'

After Charles' shift, he went straight back to the apartment. There was nobody home, so he went to his room and put his bag on the floor. Charles went into the bathroom, to take a shower. After he showered and changed, he looked at his phone that was on his desk and saw that the time was 7pm, he usually works 2pm to 10pm.

Charles walked into the sitting room and saw Eve walk in then Leon. This made Charles feel all that rage again and he glared at Eve. Leon closed the door behind him.

"Oh, hey Charles!~ Leon and I just lost track of time." Eve smiled that type of smile that looked innocent but Charles could tell it was pure evil.

"Is that so?" Charles smirked as he moved his gaze to Leon. Charles walked up to Leon and held Leon's wrists with both his hands. Charles put Leon's hands on his hips and moved his hands on Leon's chest. "Can you leave us alone then, Eve?"

Eve clicked her tongue and went out the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Charles giggled as he looked back at Leon, who was very pink.

"You're blushing, Leon~" Leon cleared his throat and pulled Charles closer, his hand sliding under Charles' shirt and going up his back to slide onto Charles' waist. Charles could feel his face getting warm. "Wh-What are you doing..."

"Taking a chance from this open opportunity, tesoro~" As their lips got closer and closer, as they looked at each other with such passion. They heard the door opening, Charles pushed Leon so hard that he hit the wall.

Jason walked in and looked at the two in confusion. "Okay...what happened?"

"Nothing!" Charles smiled nervously. Jack sighs while putting his bag on the floor.

"Okay, whatever you say. Anyways, my girlfriend might be coming over tomorrow. She asked to come here before our double date." Charles swings his arms into the air from excitement. "What are you doing?" Charles looks at his confused brother and giggles happily. Leon, who is now leaning against the wall, couldn't help but smile at how cute Charles' giggle is.

"I missed Chelsea! She is so much fun and finally isn't like those other bitches you have dated." Charles rolls his eyes as he brings his arms down and puts his hands on his hips.

"My exes? Should we talk about those bastards you thought were the ones~" Jack smirks as if he has won, and he has won. Charles pouts and crosses his arms.

"You look even more cuter pouting like that, tesoro." Leon smiles innocently. Jack slowly looks at Leon and glares at him. Charles can feel his face get warm from what Leon said. Leon finally notices the glaring from Jack and rolls his eyes. Leon sees Jack's shoulder twitch a bit and his gaze goes down to Jack's hand, which is clenched.

"You really gonna punch me for calling your brother cute?" Leon chuckles, Jack and Charles can hear the mischief in it.

"Wait, where is Tyler?" Leon and Jack both smile, look at each other and look back at Charles.

"He's started Tinder and is on a date with a woman right now. He told us that seeing how you would never like him broke him so hard that he needed a distraction!~" Leon said this with sympathy but in a joking way. This makes Charles laugh, Leon starts laughing as well.

"I think her name was Linda. He gave us a heads up if he was ditching because apparently she talked about her recent ex a little bit too much." Jack said as he started walking to his room.

The next day, at the hangout with Aron and Charles. they are sitting inside the café, their drinks are in front of them. Their table is by the window.

"Okay, I want to know something. Who were you on the call with yesterday, it sounded very heated." Aron smirked at Charles. Charles sighed, he brought the drink to his lips and took a sip. Charles could feel Aron's gaze directed at his lips. Charles put the drink back on the table.

"It was just my roommate. His hook-up called me because she took his phone and got into it. It's nothing, really." Charles chuckled softly. Aron looked at Charles and his eyes were filled with adoration also with some lust. Charles felt uneasy and wanted to get out of there. Aron moved his hand across the table and held Charles' hand. Charles wanted to pull his hand away but then Aron started to talk.

"You know Charles. I've seen how hard you focus on work, even if you are just waitering. It's really adorable and I see how you get so annoyed at people who don't keep the shelves neat or even just stack things properly. You are just, overall, adorable." Aron squeezes Charles' hand.

"Th-thank you, Aron. But I must go now, my brother needs me soon." Charles smiles nervously and pulls his hand away as he stands up. "Thank you so much for today, I'll see you on Monday." Charles rushes out that café, he feels his skin crawl from that interaction. The way Aron looked at him, touched him, talked to him...it made him feel uncomfortable and filthy.

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