Double Date

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Once Charles had gotten home, he instantly sat on the couch. He didn't even notice Chelsea on the couch. Chelsea put her hand on his shoulder and moved her head a bit so that she was in his view. Charles looked her way and his whole facial expression changed from exhausted to excited.

"CHELSEA!! YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE!?" Charles sat up straight and hugged her tight, Chelsea hugged him back. As they broke the hug, Charles smiled widely while Chelsea giggled in delight. "Wait, where's Jack? Aren't you two going on a double date?" Chelsea sighed.

"Well, my friend and her boyfriend cancelled and we kind of don't wanna ruin the evening by rescheduling, so Jack is wanting Leon to come with us and maybe bring Eve." Chelsea seemed annoyed at saying Eve's name and Charles felt his stomach drop. Chelsea noticed and smiled. "Maybe you could be Leon's date! When Jack was on a call, he talked about you a lot to me while we were alone in the kitchen. And I think you two will be adorable." Charles could feel the warmth increase on his face. His head and heart were telling him different things. His head was telling him no but his heart wanted it badly.

"If I'm being honest, I think I might have crush on him. But I could never confess after him kissing my cousin..." Chelsea kept smiling, she turned her head to the kitchen.

"COME IN BOYS!! I HAVE A SOLUTION!!" Chelsea let's go of Charles' shoulder. The two men walk in. "Maybe Charles could be Leon's date. He doesn't mind, would that be okay Leon?" Charles looks up at Leon.

"Yeah, I would be happy to go with Charles." Leon looks down at Charles, they make eye-contact. Charles can feel his body feel lighter, he smiles. Leon sees the smile and feels as if he had just felt his heart bet faster.

"Then it's settled, the double date is with your brother and your best friend!" Chelsea stood up and grabbed Charles hand and pulled him up. "We need to get you changed because we are leaving in 1 hour, sweetie!"

"Can I choose my own clothing? Please Chelsea, you always pick them just this once." Chelsea lets go of his hand while nodding. Charles walks to his room and closes the door as he walks inside.

2 hours later, in the restaurant. They are seated at a booth table, Jack is with Chelsea on one side and Charles is with Leon on the other side. They have already ordered food and they have their drinks on the table.

"So, how close are you two? I mean, you two argued the whole way here, but then there were some flirty parts~ I need to know it all" Chelsea smirks as she sees Charles obviously blushing and Leon rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Well...last night we-" Charles punched Leon's side, it was low enough for none of the two to see. Leon softly grunted.

"You could call us friends, we HUGGED yesterday!" Jack and Chelsea didn't believe Charles, but didn't want to start something. Leon rolled his eyes while smirking and slowly slid his hand onto Charles' inner thigh, it was under the table so it was hidden from the other two. Charles felt his spine shiver and Leon's big, warm hand sliding gently on his thigh, he could feel his face heat up FAST.

The waiter came back with two drinks. Charles and Leon looked confused and turned their gaze to Chelsea and Jack. "Sorry, but why did you bring two drinks? We already have our cocktails." Leon said with obvious confusion in his voice and facial expression. The waiter chuckled as he finally figured they weren't told about what happens when double dates arrive.

"Whenever we have double dates come in, they will get the deluxe menu in a way. The couples have their own couple-drink special, a drink that comes with two straws. They also get discounts on the red pages of the menu. Since you all ordered from there, you all get discounts. Well anyways, your food will be ready shortly, enjoy your drinks." As the waiter walked away, Leon and Charles looked at the couple across from them.

"You didn't tell me this was THAT type of restaurant, Jack!! You know it will be weird since Leon and I aren't a thing." Charles grabbed Leon's hand and moved it off his thigh and onto the seat. Leon locked their hands together with him holding Charles' hand tightly. 

"Calm down mio caro, it's just a restaurant. And why are you mad when we literally get a free drink." Charles chuckles softly as he allows Leon to hold his hand. Charles feels warmth from his face and the flutter of comfort spread his entire body as he feels the safety from just this man's touch. Charles doesn't even notice that Jack and Chelsea looking at them, knowing that these two men have feelings for each other. 

A few hours later, outside the restaurant. Jack and Chelsea have called for a cab. Leon and Charles don't feel comfortable going into such a small cab.

"It's fine, we'll walk back. It's not that far anyways and we need the air." Leon says as he closes the door after Jack, Jack rolls down his window.

"If Charles comes back hurt in ANY way, I won't hesitate to smash your face against the brick wall."

"What if me, your dear friend, gets hurt badly? Will you hurt your brother?" Leon says with such sarcasm. Charles chuckles quietly, this makes Leon smirk.

"No, because you're strong enough to fight for yourself." Jack rolls up his window and the cab starts driving away. As Charles watches the cab drive away, he feels a hand slide into his and lock their hands together. Charles feels that fluttering again and feels his face get warm. Leon and Charles start walking off while still holding hands.

"I actually wanna say, thank you for tonight. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time." Leon smiles as he sees the British boy get flustered from exclaiming a simple sentence like that.

'I love that cute smile he does when he's flustered.' Leon thought while walking with Charles.

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