The party.

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It was sundown and everyone began to walk to the party .
Fuli and her friends were done getting ready.

Furaha was sitting beside his friends and Wivu was on a throne.
Everyone gasped when the three girls walked in .

Everyone gasped when the three girls walked in

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Wivu got up and to them.

Wivu: wow lil sis you look beautiful
Wivu: and Madura may I have a dance?
Madura: sure

Ziwa: cmon Fuli I wanna eat all the food!

Fuli and then walk away.

Wivu: alright how are we gonna get our siblings to ask eachother the question.
Madura: Furaha won't stop being nervous , it's not like him and Fuli has gone full cheetah no more kion

Wivu: excellent , Fuli has such a better life now , no more pain for her ,my sis..and family don't understand us, I thought I was alone with these powers but then I met my guard and then found Fuli...

Madura: she's a real Queen ain't she?
Wivu: yeah

Madura smiles .

Madura: follow my lead

She goes over to Furaha

Furaha: what?

Madura: Fuli wants a dance.
Furaha:what?!? Now?!
Madura nods.

Wivu: Fuli
Fuli: yeah?
Wivu: Furaha wants a dance right now
Fuli: uhhh okay?

Fuli and Furaha walked up to eachother .

Furaha: may I have this dance?
Fuli: of course.

Fuli and Furaha start to dance and everyone watches.

Wivu: uh!
Madura: does fuli know they doing the dance of enteral love?
Wivu: only People who are mates or engaged do that , I guess Furaha really dose love Fuli!

Fuli and Furaha made a heart shape with their tails.
Furaha:  Fuli wanna know why their staring?

Fuli: huh?

Furaha: it's because we performed the dance of enteral love

Fuli: What?!? Only people who are practically soul mates do that!
Furaha: yeah , Fuli beacause I love you
Fuli: but I love a lion-*eyes shine* I love you too

Furaha and her kiss and Furaha eyes shine bright red.

Wivu: our powers are at full now! I would like to make a toast.
Wivu and everyone else transforms into their power state.
BC of fuli kissing Furaha Wivu has the power to let his whole army have powers.

Wivu: a toast to Fuli and Furaha !

Everyone: Long live the couple!

Fuli: so Furaha were you only saying you liked me so would could get powers.

Furaha: at first when I met you yeah , but not anymore  I do love you very much my love.

Fuli: something is not right...

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