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-Age 10: Kyung's POV-

I've been named the family's top genius. Well, when you remember all of your past life you are bound to know much more than the average ten year old. My parents took this opportunity to take me with them on their important trips in order to help me learn the ways of business. In a few years time I'll be the representative, doesn't that sound amazing?

I was kind of hoping to remain an only child, but my younger sister was born right after I turned six years old. I thought that I would hate having a sister, but I was wrong. Even if she can be loud and annoying at times, I now had this unbreakable bond with someone. Whenever I was alone in the house she would always ask me to play hide and seek with her. She was bad at the game, but that didn't stop her from having fun.

Once I was of the right age, I was sent to school. If you thought I would have been sent to a posh private school with all the other rich folks, well you would be dead wrong. I went to the nearest school to my house. Apparently my father went there when he was a kid, my mother had no problem with it either. Now I was the token rich kid in school that you would see in all these webtoons. Except I wasn't trashy like most of them, I wasn't always rich and I understand what it's like to not have everything I want.

I made quite a few friends there, some only because their parents knew it would be beneficial to become my friend. I didn't mind though, they wouldn't understand the importance of their words as their innocence overpowers them. A friend is a friend, that's all that matters.

Some of my friends loved sports, not surprising to hear, they forced me into playing with them too. Basketball was their favourite, mostly my best friend Jin's favourite. Jin was a prodigy, like Generation of Miracles prodigy. I was nowhere near his level, but after practicing with him I was able to partner up with him and smoke all the other kids at the park.

-Age 15-

Like before, I went to the nearest school to my house. This time it was where my mother went. She would always praise the school and tell me how amazing it was. Repeatedly mentioning all about her "precious youth". I knew it wouldn't be a bad High School to go to.

Luckily, Jin and all our other basketball bros decided to go there too. They all lived nearby so it was a no brainer. Speaking of basketball, we joined the school's basketball team. Due to Jin's talent he was instantly put on the starting roster, after a few months of proving myself I was then added to the starting roster as the team's point guard. Hardly any team could deal with our combo. We went to Nationals, but lost in the quarter finals. It really hurt, but we vowed to win next year.

My family always went to the games whenever they weren't busy. Although, they weren't able to watch a lot of them as they were busy running the company, they had just released a new line of self-driving cars. This had them travel around the country and sometimes internationally, to promote the company. It was hard work. Whenever they were gone and I didn't have anything to do, I would be the one looking after Ari. They knew they could trust me.

In terms of my school life, I was at the top of the class when it came to grades. Unlike my last life, I won't make the same mistake as before and only take it seriously right before the biggest exams I would ever take. Another thing that was different was the fact that in my previous life, I would be expecting to take the big exams in only a year. Now High School runs until I'm around 18. It was a cultural difference, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

I can't believe I forgot to tell you what I look like after all this time. Well, to start off I have the usual short black pretty boy haircut, along with ruby red eyes. My black hair comes from my father and red eyes from my mother. Standing at around five feet and eleven inches, my body was quite fit, after all I had been playing basketball for about 5 years. I wasn't super muscular like a gym junkie, but it was good enough. I did get compliments about my face from girls, so that's nice.

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