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-1 Month Later-

It's been a month since I've left my family behind. For the first couple days I got quite homesick, but after exploring most of the attractions I got quite attached to the place. The Dean let me stay in an apartment close to the university, but still near the outskirts which would allow me to train my body. Of course once I start, I'll have to move out and live in the university's dorm.

One of the reasons why I got through my homesickness so fast was with the help of my roommate Hyun-Joo. She was a very attractive woman with medium-short green hair with blue highlights, her eyes matching. Her complex was Ebony Jewelwing, a species of damselfly which belongs to the same order as Dragonflies.

She was alerted of my arrival by Nest. She had been filled in on everything she needed to know and when she found out I was actually male, she said she didn't have a problem with it. To be honest I think she liked it a little too much.


(Day Of Arrival)

I arrived at my accommodation for the time being. It looked like your typical modern apartment building. It was 8 floors high, with each floor fitting 10 rooms of considerable size. Each room was big enough for two people, which obviously means there is a chance I'll have a roommate. 'I just hope they are nice.'

Looking at the note given to me it stated that my room was on the 6th floor, room 6-D. I ventured my way up the many flights of stairs without any sign of fatigue. Perhaps I was able to handle it now... or maybe I was just too weak before.

Coming to a stop outside my room, I prepared myself for whoever was waiting behind the doors. Pushing the door open, it had come to my attention that no one was inside. Dropping any expectation of meeting my roommate, I walked right into the room. Looking around the room, it was in the exact layout of the student dorms. Two bunk beds on opposite sides, a desk, chair, drawer and wardrobe underneath. A huge square light built into the ceiling. The bed on the left already contained important items, definitely my roommate's possessions.

Wondering where my roommate could be, I felt a weird sensation. Almost as if something was watching me, my body tensed up. Reacting with only instinct, I stretched my arm towards the light and grabbed hold. Even though I hadn't done it before I had no choice but to try. Retracting my arms I was propelled forward towards the window. As I was about to land, I heard a loud crash from where I once stood.

I turned around to find a woman with blue, green hair that reached above her shoulders and matching eyes. Her black wings folded straight down. She wore a form fitting black shirt showing off her curves and a beige skirt along with black high heels. The way she held herself could only be described as mature. From what I sensed she was preparing to attack, perhaps as a way to test me, I wasn't too sure.

She held her hand to chin and began to analyse my appearance. "Oh darling, I understand your situation, but that sense of fashion is awful. Let's go and get you some proper clothes." Instead of introducing herself she took notice of my outfit instead. Not going to lie, I was slightly offended, my lovely mother picked these out for me. Before I could offer a rebuttal she interrupted me. "Oh right, I didn't introduce myself. Sorry, I just feel hurt seeing someone with a body like yours not use it to their full potential. My name is Hyun-Joo. Nice to meet you."

"I'm sure you know already, but my name is Shin Kyung. It's nice to meet you too, thanks for the compliment... I suppose. Saying that, you are aware that I used to be male right?" She strutted over to me with a devious smile on her face.

She grabbed onto my shoulder and leaned into my ear. "Don't worry kiddo. That's why I agreed to look after you, I just want to show you what it's like being a woman." She made me feel a little hot and bothered, especially with the sultry voice she displayed. Pulling away she mischievously smiled. "Aaaaaanyway... let's go shopping. Think of it as a girl's day out."

Jungle Juice Turned Me Into A Girl!?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum