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-3rd POV-

As he flew through the air he could hear the sound of fighting. It was concentrated near each flag that the professors reside at. Each time he lost his momentum in the air he grabbed onto a tree and used it to propel himself forward. Frequently he would be caught in the crossfire of an attack, but with quick speed he was able to pull off the 'rocket'.

All he had to look out for was a muscular old man laying on a hammock. After zipping around in the air for about 15 minutes, he finally found said man. After landing in front of him, he looked around in case someone was watching him. However, everyone else was too busy fighting for a spot. The old man flicked his attention towards him and quickly looked impressed. "You got here quite fast kid. The dean told me about you, but I wasn't too sure. You may have some potential after all."

He opened up a box that contained a bunch of USBs, some of them had already been taken. Picking one out of the box he tossed it towards him. "Before you leave, I have one piece of advice for you... don't let your guard down." Nodding in reply he placed the USB in his pocket.

"Thank you very much!" Like he did many times on his way here, his arms extended, grabbing hold of a tree. 'Gomu Gomu no...' Retracting the extension he flew forward, "Rocket!". Due to the fact that he had the destination in mind he put more power into it, sending him faster than before. All the people fighting below seemed like a blur.

Out of nowhere, the same sense of danger that he felt stuck in his mind. All of a sudden a large chunk of the ground was ripped open and tossed in his direction. 'Gomu Gomu no...' with his quick thinking he flipped his body allowing his feet to face forward. Bringing his feet together with the bottom of his feet touching. "Spear!" Stretching his legs, they forced their way through the mass of earth, breaking it into several pieces.

As he fell to the ground, he grabbed hold of two trees to reduce the impact of the fall. Right as he landed, he was about to take off again when he could sense more danger. 'It's coming from... the left!' In the corner of his eye, a giant fist hurtled straight towards his face. He didn't have the time to stretch so he rolled out of the way.

"Ahh crap I missed. Sorry about this, I just really need that USB." the mysterious man stated. Turning around to analyse the new threat, his jaw dropped as soon as he saw him. His body was gigantic, he had the head of a beetle. He looked just like Jihwan who was also a beetle, but he was slightly smaller. Even with a smaller size, this creature is known in the animal kingdom as the strongest insect: The Dung Beetle. This insect is capable of lifting objects 1141 times its body weight. 'No wonder it was able to lift that chunk of earth.'

"Why would you think I have a USB?" As Kyung asked the question he looked around for any possible route of escape.

"Well, you were heading straight towards the campus... it couldn't be any more obvious." Staring him down he brought his hands together and began to crack his knuckles. "You're going to give me that USB right now. I'd rather not use violence, but this is how it's supposed to be."

Without warning the beetle charged towards him, but.. 'He's slow.' Kyung had more than enough time to evade his attack. Launching himself above his attacker, he hovered in the air. 'Gomu Gomu no...' his right leg stretched downwards, "Stamp!" colliding with the back of the target's head, creating a large shockwave. However, the beetle stood there unfazed. Landing back on the ground he moved away to create some space.

"That hurt, but it's not enough to beat me transfer student." With eyes that could kill, he charged towards him again with a tightened fist. This time he was much faster which didn't give Kyung a lot of time to move. Mimicking his first dodge he had to roll to the side again, narrowly dodging the punch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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