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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞───prologue


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Filled with momentary specks and volatile souls, the universe is ever-changing and ever-growing. Actions made by the lives inside it can change the whole course of events and alter the outcomes. Amidst the vast universe, lives fluctuate and create branches of possibilities for their own future, some more radical than others.

Some people are meant to be the headlining act of a festival, the starring cast of a show, or the main characters of a book. That doesn't mean people are not the main characters of their lives, because they are, just that the writers of this universe spent a little more time designing some people's stories than others, adding more action to their plot lines. In this universe, Cleo Stark happened to be one of the more crafted characters. Born to a billionaire genius and a powerful witch, every path she decided to take led her to something remarkable, and to one distinctive man.


Selene Angelos went into labor on a winter morning. A heavy coat of snow adorned the top of the buildings as snowflakes fell on the New York sky. Harsh breaths and low grunts filled the room where three women anxiously waited for the baby's arrival. Selene gripped the white bedsheets with shaky hands, her head was thrown back and her eyes were shut. She wanted to go to the hospital so badly, ask for morphine, and make sure her baby was delivered the right way. But the ill-timed snowstorm had blocked the streets and neither Selene nor her mother, Alicia, had time to cast a teleportation spell and concluded that it would only bring suspicion to the hospital and the least they wanted was to draw unwanted attention. So, Alicia, Selene, and Pepper decided the baby had to be born at home.

Alicia Angelos was the designated midwife. Buckets full of water and damped towels floated in the air during the whole process of labor, faltering occasionally when the woman grew nervous.

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑,  marvelWhere stories live. Discover now