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The next day was Monday, and so Hermione had the difficult task ahead of dragging her friends to the great hall for breakfast.

"Get up, get up, GET UP!" she yelled, smacking the chosen one and his best friend with a not-so-soft pillow.

"Hey! Not the face, not the face, NOT THE FACE!" Ron screamed back.

Hermione rolled her eyes and glared at Ron, Harry took this as an opportunity to race out of the room. Hermione smirked and then dragged Ron by the leg out of bed. He groaned in response.

Two minutes Hermione, fully dressed waltzed into the hall, looking beautiful as always except for a harsh expression plastered over her features. Ron on the other hand, walked in with red curls messed about and draped across his pale green eyes. He continued complaining all the way to the table.

"Really, 'Mione, why do we have to be up so early?"

"Ronald, have you even looked at the time.?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Well no... not exactly. But I still know it's early!"

"Is that so, then by your logic 8:48am is an unreasonable-"

"8:48!" Ron rudely interrupted. "It can't be!"

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Well it is and if you don't hurry and stuff some decent food into you your stomach is gonna be grumbling all through class! Again!"

Ron stared at her, knowing he was defeated. He mumbled something under his breath that sound highly like 'stupid time-freak'.

Hermione stared at him in offence.

"What?" he asked between a large mouthful of porridge.

She stood up in a huff and stormed off to class.

Draco Malfoy woke up at 6am, just like he did every morning. As he heard the usual groans of his roommates at his rather loud, muggle rooster alarm he sat up bolt right and hopped out of bed.

"Howdoyadotha?" one of his classmates asked, with a raspy voice. Draco of course knew he was referring to getting up 'early'. He smirked and shrugged as he fetched his wand and left his dorm. Upon entering the Slytherin common room he saw it looking destroyed after last night. But of course, being known as an ex-death eater tended to affect party invites. He sighed as he headed to the bathroom to take a long, hot, relaxing shower. As usual, strange shower thoughts swam through his mind as he carefully shampooed and conditioned his hair. Today, vanilla scented. As he let the sweet smelling vanilla shampoo slide down the drain Hermione popped into his mind. He slapped himself mentally for thinking about her while he was in the shower, only her name came to mind - for unknown reasons - but it still wasn't okay. He cursed under his breath as he stepped out of the shower wrapping a white, fluffy towel with a green serpent stitched into it around his waist. Whipping out his wand he called -

"Accio Robes!"

Immediately his Hogwarts Slytherin Robes flew right to him. Once he was fully dressed it was 7:03am. He quickly dried his hair with a spell and walked swiftly out of the bathroom.

One returned to the Common Room he saw that this time it wasn't completely abandoned as a total of seven students, who looking rather disgruntled, lay sprawled out on the couches, using as much as their will power as they had to force themselves to stand. Draco chuckled deeply as he strode past them back to his dormitory, where ⅔ of his classmates were standing, stretching and yawning.

"Morning!" He said brightly.

He was meeted by grunts to which he rolled his eyes, grabbed his bag, and headed off to the black lake. Every morning he liked to come here to clear his head, no one ever came outside that early. As he leaned against an old oak tree he watched the beautiful sunrise, although he had missed the most beautiful part which occurred at about 4-5am, he still found himself smiling as the sun continued to rise over the snow-capped mountains, the skies becoming a lightly tinted pink, with slightly transparent fluffy clouds painted across it rather elegantly. It looked like something that famous muggle artist Leonardo Davinci might've painted. As he glanced at his watch he saw that it was 7:57am. Great. The great hall would soon be open for breakfast. So with the thoughts of putting an end to his hunger with delicious, delectable, delightful food he strode off in the direction of the hall for breakfast.

The Forbidden Friendship - A Dramione Story UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now