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The next day Hermione didn't wake up until about 11 am, which was okay as it was a weekend. She sat up and smiled, remembering what she had planned that day. She, Ron and Harry were going to Hogsmeade together, just like the old times. She stood up, stretched with a long yawn, and not being bothered to change out of her pyjamas, walked down to breakfast. There weren't too many people there as most people were probably already at Hogsmeade. She took a seat and brushed her messy, brown hair out of her face. She then proceeded to pile her plate high with various breakfasts, mainly crumpets, pancakes and waffles. As Hermione stuffed her face with the delicious assortment of food, across the hall she spotted Draco. It seemed he was less lazy than she, for he was fully dressed in a neat black suit - just like always. He also piled his plate high with crumpets, pancakes and waffles, topped with whipped cream. She giggled slightly when she saw him spray some in his mouth, he glanced up upon hearing that familiar, sweet, little laugh. There sitting across the hall he saw Hermione, with her messy, brown curls brushed to the side and her soft smile looking up at him. He smiled back, slightly embarrassed.

Suddenly there was a loud collection of tired yawns from the entrance of the hall. Turning, Hermione saw her two best friends dragging each other lazily to the gryffindor table, both looking rather dishevelled. Hermione shook her head in disbelief as Ron stumbled and Harry had to try and balance him. She felt a smile tugging on the corner of her mouth but forced herself to remain stern and serious so she could scold them for their carelessness and clumsiness.

"Ron! Harry!"

They turned to see her and struggled to stand still.

"What is the matter with you!?" she scolded.

Ron gave her a look.

"Whaddayamen?" he started, with a yawn. "You look like you woke up just five minutes ago!" he accused.

Although he was correct Hermione took this opportunity to slap him across the face. She then rolled her eyes.

"Go eat breakfast. Now!" she yelled.

Harry and Ron, recognizing her harsh tone, speed-walked to the table and sat down. Both looking as confused as the other. When Hermione sat down once more she caught sight of Draco across the hall smirking. She stared at him, and shot evil daggers with her usual soft brown eyes, which he understood immediately and stared down at his meal, not uttering a single word. She smiled at this and went back to eating.


As the famous golden trio exited Honeydukes, pockets full of candy, they headed off to the three broomsticks.

"I'll go ask Madam Rosmerta for our drinks. What do you guys want?" Hermione asked her friends as they slid into a compartment.

"Butterbeer for me thanks." said Harry, respectfully.

She waited a tad impatiently for Ron to respond.

"Ron?" she asked again, in a sing-song voice.

When he didn't answer her she followed his gaze which was staring out the window. Hermione scowled when she saw that Ron was watching a group of young witches having a playful snowball fight. After having enough of his behaviour she harshly smacked his arm.


"Jeez woman! What?!"

Hermione took a sharp breath as she tried to steady herself.

"What _ drink _ do _ you _ want?" she repeated, slowly with a cold voice. He looked at her puzzled then quickly realised what she meant.

"Oh! Uhh, gee I dunno. How about a butterbeer?"

The Forbidden Friendship - A Dramione Story UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now