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The rest of the day went by rather slowly for Draco, as he kept thinking back to the fact that he had to teach the weasel. He'd rather have Harry, 'The Chosen One'. Even if he had been the one who saved the world, multiple times over, his head didn't blow up over it. But rather the weasel who only helped seemed to believe he was the big hero. Soon enough, Draco's last class was finally over and he was able to go and sleep, or at least try anyway.


For Hermione, the last few classes of the day she had with Ron and Harry. As usual, Harry was his cheerful self but Ron... seemed to have lost his sense of reality. Which was fair as he had to be taught by his greatest enemy since age eleven. Soon enough, History of Magic was finally over and the three of them stood up sleepily and left the room, unfortunately, they had the misfortune to meet peeves on the way who was throwing enchanted water balloons. Harry and Hermione had the smarts and speed to avoid this but Ron, however, did not. So for the rest of the day he was bright pink from head to toe.

"I cannot believe that bloody ferret is going to teach me!" Ron exclaimed later that day after dinner to his friends.

"Interesting that Draco suddenly became second in the class though," Ginny commented thoughtfully.

"Interesting! I bet you anything he's using dark magic to cheat!" Ron accused.

"Oh for goodness sake Ron! Just because you don't like him that doesn't mean he's utter scum." Hermione scowled.

At this, Harry looked up.

"Wow, you really don't think he sucks anymore aye 'Mione?" He questioned.

"Honestly no, I genuinely believe he's changed." She responded.

Ginny nodded at her friend and Ron glared.

"Ron, maybe it won't be so bad," Harry said.

"Really? Is that so? Then why don't you work with him? And I'll go with Hermione."

"Oh no, you won't!" Hermione retorted.

"What? So you don't wanna help your boyfriend? The man who loves you?!"

"No! Our relationship is shaky enough as it is, I don't need you complaining left and right about the homework I give you!"

Ron was about to respond, and from the look on his face it wasn't going to be "Sorry 'Mione love you," when Harry interrupted.

"Err... 'Mione, you're not uh, actually gonna give me homework? Right?"

Hermione laughed lightly at his scared expression.

"Aha don't worry Harry, only if you need it."

Harry looked slightly comforted by this but not entirely. Then a voice spoke, an angry, hurt and accusing voice, that of course belonged to a familiar redhead.

"What do you mean 'shaky relationship'?" Ron asked, piercing a look that Hermione felt penetrate her skin.

Harry and Ginny remained silent as they blended into the background.

"Oh Ron, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that -"

"Then how did you mean it, Hermione."

"I -i, um -"

" I-I, um -uh just spit it out!"

There was silence. They stared at each other. Hermione felt tears sting her eyes as she willed them away from her face. Any trace of humanity left in Ron immediately left. Soon, Ron stood up, and shooting daggers at all of his friends stormed off to the dormitories. Harry sighed, Ginny carefully watched her friend as her big, brown, eyes filled with salty, wet tears of sadness. She soon stood up as abruptly as Ron, and disappeared through the portrait hole. Upon appearing on the other side she let the tears stream down her soft, silky skin.

The Forbidden Friendship - A Dramione Story UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now