Our Final Night Alive

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We dive through the quantum tunnel and fly to our separate adventures. Steve, Bruce, Tony, Scott, and I land in New York, 2012.

"Alright, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." Steve says as we all start to separate into our groups. Just then, 2012 Hulk walks past us, demolishing almost everything in his path. Bruce puts his hand on his face, embarrassed.

"Feel free to smash a few things along the way," Steve adds

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever," Bruce says, walking forward and tearing his shirt off. He punches the roof of a car in and I give him a small grin before Steve and I head to my house.

"I can't believe I finally get to see your house." He says, half-joking

"You're not getting a tour." I say, in response. We run for a few blocks before getting to my old neighborhood.

"I thought Tony aid your plan was easier."

"Trust me, it is. And it needed to take us a while, or else it wouldn't be here."

"What?" He asks as soon as we get to my house. Standing a little far away, I point out all of the SHIELD agents carrying a long case into a small suburban house.

"I told you." I say, raising my eyebrow and leading him to the backyard. I open the gate and start to push my window open.

"What are you doing?" He asks, getting nervous, "We're just going to break in?"

"It's my house." I say, nonchalant, "Now, help me up." He shakes his head at me, and sighs, walking forward to help me up to the edge of the window.

"So, where are you right now?" He asks as he climbs in.

"School." I say, walking through my room.

"Woah." He says, looking around at all of the posters in my room.

"Shut up." I say, smiling and rolling my eyes at him. I open the door and peak out, seeing the whole house swarmmed with agents.

"Shit." I say, closing the door and putting my face against the doorframe.

"What, what is it?"

"They're all inside." I say, looking back at him and cringing. He sits down on my bed and puts his head in his hands.

"Hm." He mumbles, looking up to me with doubt in his eyes but smiling at me.

"Oh! I know what to do!" I say, putting my finger up and walking quikly to my bathroom.

"What are you gonna do in there?" He asks, standing up from my bed and following me.

"That vent," I say, pointing to a small vent on the wall next to my toilet, "Is not a real vent." I say, picking up my hamper, emptying it out, and setting it on the floor under thhe vent.

"What?" He asks, still so weirded out. I step on the toilet to get up onto the hamper and I look through the vent to see a mostly empty office with a long breifcase on the desk in the middle. A few agnets leave, with my dad following them out, probably to the kitchen.

"Hand me some scissors." I say, looking back at Steve.

"Scissors? What- wh- where are you-"

"The desk," I say, cutting him off.

"Right." He runs to the desk and brings me a pair of scissors, still not sure why he's doing it. I take them from and use one blade to slot it into the screws on the sides of the vent. I take it off and hand it to him, and he just sets it down on my bathroom counter

"What are you gonna do?" He asks. I take a deep breath and look back at him, waiting for him to realize. I get my arm up to the vent and I reach my fingers in to direct them at the case. I flick my fingers at the locks and unlock them. Then, I hold my breath and wait to make sure no one heard that. After 30 seconds, I decide the coast is clear and I push the case open quietly. I see the scepter and curl my lips, trying to focus on picking it up and bring it through the vent. I lift it and slowly bring it to the vent, trying to manuver it through without making too much noise. Steve picks it up out of the air and hands the vent back to me. And I quickly screw it back into place.

"Okay, now what?" I ask

"Now what? Now we leave!" He whispers, trying to usher me back to the window. I push it open and he jumps out with the scepter. He turns around to help me out of the window and I take the scepter back from him. When we turn the corner to the side of the house, we run into an agent.

"Shit!" I whisper-yell. I shove the scepter into Steve's chest and punch the agent in the eye. When he reaches for his eye, I kick him in the leg and watch him fall. I step on his shoulder and pin him down and then he pulls a gun out of his pocket and points it at me. I roll my eyes and rub my lips together and pull the gun out of his hands and throw it across my backyard. Steve then walks around and puts the scepter to his chest, knocking him out.

"I thought you said this way was easier?" Steve yells as we run back to Stark Tower

"Sorry?" I say, half joking.

Steve and I come running back from my house and we find Tony and Scott sitting in a broken, abandoned car.

"Cap–" Tony calls out from the drivers seat. Steve and I look at eachother then turn back to Tony  and my jaw is on the floor.

"Sorry, guys. We got a– problem."

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