The First War 14

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"Hey, where is everyone?" Peter asks, walking into the conference room, and throwing his bag in a seat by the end of the table.

"Clint and Bruce are in the lab and Nat, Ruby, and Steve are in the city," Tony says, not looking up from his computer, "Why are you here?" He asks, realizing he's talking to Peter. He takes his glasses off and waits for a response.

"I was gonna say hi to Ruby. What is she doing in the ci-" Peter starts to ask, getting cut off by a loud sound on Tony's computer. He looks down and switches tabs, moving the video to the projector and looking up at the wall to watch.

Still sitting in the backseat, I watch as Nat mumbles something to Steve and the group starts to debate the plan once we get to our destination. Steve looks back at me, about to ask me a question when a loud sound on the roof of the car stops him. Then, a metal arm shatters the window next to me and he throws me out of the car. I hit the asphalt and try to stand up when three soldiers clad in black, holding machine guns walk up to my sides. I use my powers to throw one of the guns but it doesn't go very far when I see that the holster it's in is connected to their costume.

"Shit!" I yell to myself and I watch as the car I was just in is totally destroyed and the Winter Soldier goes flying in front of their car. In those few seconds when I was distracted, the three men come up around me and grab me. One puts his hand over my mouth and holds my back while the other two each get one of my legs. I try to fight them, use my powers, wiggle out but eventually, whatever drug was on the one gunman's glove gets into my lungs and I pass out.

Watching the now projected video, Tony and Peter see Nat jump forward and she covers the small camera on Steve's shoulder. Gunshots are heard, coming from someone on top of the car. Steve messes with the gear shift and the shooter flies off the roof and is revealed to be the guest from last night. As soon as Nat pulls out a gun to take him down, their car is hit from behind. The soldier jumps over the car and they struggle for a minute or so when the car turns on its side and Steve pulls Nat, himself, and the man driving the car onto the door and into the road. The soldier is handed a missile-type gun that launches Steve, and our camera, into a bus. Peter and Tony spend the next few minutes watching passengers leave the bus, hoping Steve will get up.

"What is all the noise? Sounds like gunshots-" Clint asks as he and Bruce walk into the conference room to see them watching all the action on the big screen

"The rest of the group was going downtown to get information on the man from last night," Tony says.

"So you pinned a camera on Cap?" Bruce asks

"That was all Ruby. I didn't even know she was going with them."

"What the hell is going on? Who is the man from last night?" Peter asks, distracting everyone from the video and the conversation

"It's a long story but it has to do with him," Tony says, gesturing to the metal-armed man who has reappeared on camera. Steve is finally out of the bus and we watch Natasha fire at the soldier outside of his line of sight.

"Hey, that looks like Ruby's mask," Peter says quietly when the soldier stands up from the bridge, with his glasses gone. Natasha and the soldier go back and forth shooting and running for several minutes when several soldiers start shooting at Steve. He curls up behind his shield until he can figure out where to go. He approaches the men and is able to ricochet some bullets and disarm a few. Sam yells down to him, both of them noticing that last night's guest is nowhere to be seen

"Go! I got this!"

Steve runs up to him and we can see Nat on the ground, hiding from him. The soldier punches Steve's shield and a loud echoey noise rings out, making even Peter's ears hurt. They fight back and forth until Steve flips the soldier over his shoulder and when he looks back, the mask has fallen off.

"Bucky?" We hear Cap ask when he freezes

"Who the hell is Bucky?"

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