TWO: Ricomincia

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I'm going on my usual evening run that I do a few days a week. I'm blasting Italian music because it makes me feel so relaxed. I listen to some English music too here and there - if I want to feel sad though - but that's usually not often.

I'm always in a good mood.

I'm almost to my house when I look beside me to the other side walk across the street.

It's that mean boy.

He's running as well. On the same pace as me. The same way as me.

"Questo è il mio momento di correre. Scegli la tua ora del giorno, meschino!" I ramble to myself. I look around me and people are staring. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I look back to my side to see the boy shaking his head at me.

I was yelling because of you, cretino.

That's what I'm gonna call you now. Jerk.

I'm getting closer to my home but he's still running the same way as me.

"mi stai seguendo?" (Are you following me?) — I yell to him from across the street.

"Sorry I don't speaking Italian," The cretino says, "Cretina!" He adds. I gasped.

No he didn't.

You don't speak Italian huh? Explain why you just called me a jerk?


I'm angry. I'm infuriated.

I reach my house and run up my porch. That's where I see the cretino walk up to the house that the new people moved in.

Don't tell me...

He unlocks the door and looks back at me. He gives me a smile that a jerk would give and goes inside.

I'm shaking my head as I go inside. That means Anna lives there too since that's her son.

"No no no" I basically groan in annoyance. As I walk inside I see my mom putting stuff in a box, "Mamá, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the shop?" I ask her. Who's watching the shop?

"I'm gonna have to run a few errands," she picks up the box and walks past me, "Beatrice and them are already there of course. Had a nice run?" She kisses me on the head and gets out of the house.

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