FIVE: Agrodolce

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It's pretty slow at the flower shop today. There's of course customers here and there but not enough for me to help yet.

I flip a page of the book I am reading. I hear a ding from the door but I don't look up.

A huge shadow comes over me and I look up to see Grayson.

"Hey," He says.

"Um, why are you" I look around the shop to find Anna, "Here? Where's your mom?"'

"She's not here."

"What are you doing here then? You need help finding flowers?" I gasp and shut my book, "Is it Anna's birthday?"

"God, you love the guessing game don't you?" He chuckles, "No. I just wanted to come see you."

My heart skips a beat.

You're just friends remember? He has a girlfriend.

I look away from him and see a box full of Hydrangea flowers Mamá told me to put in the new dirt a few minutes ago.

Whoops. I forgot. I get up off my seat and pick up
the box.

"I'll be back." I tell Grayson. I leave the counter and start walking upstairs. I hear foot steps trail behind me. I turn my head and see Grayson following me.

"What? The hell am I supposed to do down there?" He shrugs. I hide my smile and keep walking up the stairs.


"Are you bored? Is that why you're here?" I ask him while I'm patting the dirt.

"Yeah" His deep voice fill's the empty room.

Goosebumps. His body, his voice, everything about him gives me goosebumps.

I've never felt this feeling before. I think I like him.

How do you know when you like someone? I've never liked anyone in my whole 16 years of living.

Wait no! He's too old for me. Right? What's the age limit gap to like someone?

Grayson walks over to a random box full of flowers, "What are these?" He points to the bright pink Azaleas.

"Oh!" I get up, take off my gloves and walk over to him, "Those are my favorite flowers ever. They're Azaleas."

He looks at me, then down at the flowers beside us. He reaches his hand down and plucks it off of the dirt.

"Uhm-" Why did he just do that?, "You know you to pay for those-"

He rips off the top of the flower so that he only has a little bit of the stem still connected to the flower. He looks at it then back at me.

His hand holding the flower slowly comes up to the side of my head. I feel his hand graze over my face and I immediately blush.

He tucks the flower behind my ear.

Grayson stares at the flower then at me. I look down because making eye contact with him makes me nervous.

He's 3 years older than me, what am I supposed to do?

Is that even old enough to call him that old? I think he's too old for me. Right?

He brings his hand up to my chin and tilts it up so that I'm looking back at his face. We're staring at each other's eyes.

His eyes are so green.

Grayson quickly drops his hand and shakes his head.

Excuse me?

He turns around and starts walking the opposite direction from me.

Grayson has done something sweet. Yet, he, himself, is bitter.

He's bittersweet.

I don't like that combination.

I follow him down the stairs.

"Hello?" I speak up.

He walks towards the door and stops , keeping his hand on the handle.

"What's wrong?" I take the flower out of my hair and look at it. He turned around and he looks down at me.

"I'll see you later." He says sternly and walks out.

What the heck? Why did he just-?

I huff out a sigh in frustration and stomp my way to the counter. I sit back down on the stool and look at the Azalea in my hand.

I look at my book that I left face down and hold it up. I stuff the azalea between a random page and close it.

I'll keep the flower. For safe keeping.


Dear Florence, Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu