Chapter 17

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I was out of chakra. I could barely even walk. I sighed and climbed a tree without chakra before sitting down on one of the limbs. It was peaceful and nice, the opposite of what I was feeling. I rubbed my head and groaned before I weaved a few hand signs. My hand glowed a faint blue and I ran it down my arms and legs and on my stomach as it slowly showed my scars from my past. The dark purple scars were from when I trained with Kisame and Zabuza, the lighter purple and pink scars where from when I was captured and there were more of these. I waved my hand over my body and covered them up again before I tried to use chakra from my curse mark but it didn't work very well.

I sighed again and activated my rinnegan for protection before I jumped down from the tree and landed in a crouched position and started running again. I stopped when I reached a lake in a clearing and decided to take a break. I got down near the edge and cupped the water in my mouth repeatedly as my energy was restored slightly. I stood up again and my knees crackled before I walked and reached a large stone wall, most likely into a village.

I jumped over the wall and dropped down before I continued to walk around. I was still out of chakra and my limbs were sore. I walked into a small tea shop on a corner and ate some of the little crackers at the table trying to delay time from anyone finding me. I noticed a couple leaving and the lady about my size left behind a blue cloak. I shuffled over and grabbed it and slipped it on an flipped the hood up before I walked out of the tea shop. I wish I hadn't. 

When I walked out I ran into a certain someone that wore purple and had glasses and grey hair. My eyes widened and I stifled a gasp before I darted as fast as I could until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along behind him. 

"Welcome back Emiri," he chuckled darkly and pulled me into the tea shop I just left. He nodded at the people begin the counter and went into the back room before pulling up a hatch in the ground and pulling me behind him. I rose my hand he wasn't grasping an willed him to go flying into the wall. I stopped and my rinnegan disappeared when his had glowed and a sharp pain want through my wrist into my body.

"Nice try, Orochimaru-sama needs to do some more experimenting on you, or should I say interrogating you," he chuckled darkly again and he continued leading me through the tunnel until he came to a large door. He weaved some hand signs before it opened and he dragged me through and into a room with a chair and latches on it. Kabutos hand glowed again and my body fell limp even though I was still conscious. He dragged my body to the chair an locked me in before Orochimaru came in. 

"Wwweeelllcome backkkk Emirrriii," his voice called, "I see you took refuge in the leaf village correct? How inttterssstiinnnggg," he chuckled as he circled my chair, "I believe you are on the same ninja team as Sasuke Uchiha correct? How convenient for me. He will be my next vessel, it was going to be you Emiri-San but you escaped," I felt him grab my and slowly start bending it back, "Tell me Emiri, were us Sasuke Uchiha?" 

"Why should I tell you?" I spat out as I winced farther my arm went. I heard a snap and pain shot through my body from my arm and I whimpered. 

"Emiri, if you don't tell me, I will use other means," he chuckled and my eyes watered from the pain. 

"My Curse Mar-" 

"Yes Your curse mark. I will harm you until you tell me where Sasuke Uchiha is," he slithered and pulled out a few Kunai. 

"I won't tell you, I'm protecting him," I growled. 

"One." He plunged a Kunai into my arm that wasn't broken and I jerked my numb body slightly, "Two," Into my leg, "Three," he whispered and dug it into my stomach and drug it across it slowly and I screamed. He chuckled darkly. 

"Now will you tell me Emiri?" 

"Never, Sasuke is my team mate, if you kill me it would be harder to find him." I gasped out. 

"Why must you be so difficult!" He yelled before I felt pain spreading through my body. My tears finally ran down my face until he stopped and my body ached. 

"Kabuto, leave her body at the Lake of Blood, no one will find her there," Orochimaru ordered as my body quivered in the chair. 

"Yes Orochimaru-San, but are you sure we shouldn't keep he-" 

"Kabuto do not question me or you will end up like her, am I understood?" He snapped and Kabuto nodded before he untied my body and carried me out of the hideout towards the lake of blood or whatever. I couldn't remember and I couldn't care less since I was in so much pain. I felt my body being sat down on something wet before Kabuto placed his hands over my heart and removed the paralysis jutsu.

He walke off not saying a word while my body trembled. I raised my self up slowly with my good arm before I rolled over towards a tree. The paralysis jutsu had given me enough chakra to perform a transportation jutsu from my clan. I wove the hand signs slowly and I concentrated on the clearing where team seven was and hopped I could get my bag there too. I felt a whirling sensation before I was slightly away from the team. I smiled slightly when I saw my bag and grabbed it before I crawled on my knees to the opening where Kakashi sat with team seven gathered around him. 

"Hey G-guys," my raspy voice called and their heads snapped to me. 

"Emiri! You're back!" Naruto cheered before he saw my body. 

"Kakashi-sensei! Emiri what happened?" Sakura yelled as she ran towards me and slung my arm over her shoulder. 

"Orochimaru," Kakashi spoke as he reached me. 

"Orochi-who?" Naruto asked confused. 

"Orochimaru, a wanted ninja. Trained under the third hokage, he is also one of the great sanin," Kakashi stated as he leaned down to examine my wounds and peeling the cloak away from my body. 

"He stabbed my on my arm, my leg, and my stomach , broke my other arm and then he-he used it," Kakashi's eye snapped to mine. 

"What we talked about yesterday?" He asked calmly. 

"Yes," my body quivered and my arm ached. 

"I need to seal it," 

"No it's fine! Please just someone give me some chakra so I can heal myself. I whimpered and Sakura grabbed my bag to sort through, looking for something. She pulled out some bandages and started slowly wrapping my cut up arm and then my leg before she tried to undo my ruined bandages on my stomach. 

"Wait," I used the last of my chakra to cover up my curse mark before I blacked out.

******Sakuras Pov****** 

What were those hand signs for before she passed out? I gently laid Emiris body on the ground and grabbed Kunai to cut off the bandages around her stomach carefully. My eyes widened and I gasped slightly when I saw that the Kunai was embedded into Emiris stomach. 

"Kakashi-sensei, there's a kunai in her stomach!" I panicked as Kakashi ambled over to me. 

"Pull it out," he ordered simply. 

"But I'll hurt h-her and she'll die!" I panicked again. 

"I'll do it," Sasukes voice spoke up. He kneeled over on the other side of Emiri and slowly pulled the kunai out of it. He held his hand out for the bandages and I shakily passed it to him before he wrapped it around her stomach. 

"Is she going to be okay Kakashi-sensei?" 

"Yes Naruto Emiri is strong dont worry about her, can you carry her back to Tazunas house?" Kakashi asked as he started hobbling over towards the path. 

"Sure!" I stood up slowly as Naruto scoped her up before he started running towards the house with me and Sasuke trailing behind.

******Itachis Pov******(Shocker)

I can't believe I wasn't able to get to Emiri in time! I watched as my brother started wrapping her stomach up the way I used to teach him. He will have to work hard if he wants to kill me. In time he will. Please take care of Sasuke, Emiri.

A/N hey guys! So I finally updated! I'll try my best to update more often I'm just really busy with practices and competitions :/ thanks for all the votes!!! I'm not particularly happy with the way this chapter was but I think it'll be fine for the story for now. Please Vote and comment and such!

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