Chapter 6

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"I met your brother." I stated as I sat on his bed. 

"Really?" He asked. "So your in the leaf now?" 

"Yes and yes." 

"What do you think of Sasuke?" 

"He has fucking cockatoo hair!" I exploded. 

Itachi smirked with sadness hinting his red eyes. "So your not a fangirl right?" 

"Hell no!" 

"Hey whats with all the screaming un?" Deidara asked barging into Itachis room and not noticing me. 

"Turn around idiot." Itachi scowled. 

"EMI-CHAN! I MISSED YOU UN!" he screamed as he tried to tackle hug me but went through me. 

"I missed you too Dei-kun." I smiled at him. 

"Damnit I wish you could visit us for real again un." he frowned and sat beside me on Itachis bed much to his displeasure. 

"Hah I do to." I smiled. 

"Why the fuck is Deidara screaming?" Hidan asked as he walked in Itachis room. 

"Hey Hidan." 

"Oh the Bitch is back." Hidan smirked. 

"Oh look a fucking sadist is calling a girl who is probably even in stregnth with you a bitch." I smirked back as Itachi shook his head. 

"OH YEAH! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND SACRIFICE YOU TO LORD JASHIN BITCH!" Hidan yelled as he pulled out his sythe. 

I rolled my eyes as Kakazu peeked his head in the door. "Please stop screaming im trying to count my money." he asked calmy before waving at me and leaving while Hidan cussed him out. 

"Wheres Kisame?" I pouted. 

"Probably in the shower un." 


Kisame walked in Itachis room with his hair wet and dripping on the floor making Itachis scowl deepen.. "Hey Emi-chan." he smiled at me. 

"Lets have a party!" I exclaimed. 

"No." Itachi stated as he pushed everyone out of the room. 

"Damn you Itachi I wanted to talk to them more." i pouted. 

"Well about now you should be waking up to go to the acadamy so you might wanna go." he said smirking when I started flipping out that I was here all night. 

"Bye Itachi-kun." 

"Bye Emi-chan." 

I quickly did the handsign to find out Itachi was right that it was about the time I woke up for the acadamy. I sighed and strected before getting up and going to take a shower. 

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before drying my hair. I put my under wear on and my sports bra and brushed my hair. I put my bandages on my stomach, thighs, and arms and put my tank top on and my skirt with my chain hanging from it. I went back in my room searching through my suitcase until I found the headband... My brothers first headband. I walked back into the bathroom and wipped the steam off the mirror before tying the headband around my head moving my bangs out from behind it. I took a deep breath and uunveiled my Rinnegan. 

"Im going to be a leaf ninja today." I smiled at my reflection as tears made my eyes glisten. "I wish you could see me now Nagato." I wiped at my eyes hidding my rinnegan again as I untied the headband and placed it back in my suitcase. I really need to unpack. I thought to myself as I walked to the acadamy slowly thinking to my self. 

Since I was still a little early I decided to go to the Hokages monument. I jumped across the rooftops as my ninja sandals made echoing sounds on the tiles and my hair whipped around my face. I smiled slightly and sat down on the building in front of the monument staring at it intently. I wish there was someone like them in charge of Ame. Maybe then Nagato wouldnt of had to leave. I sighed and got my sketch book out and started sketching each face idividually. I put as much detail as I could onto the thirds since I planned on giving him them. I quickly finished my pictures and ran to the Hokages office and knocked on the door. 

"Hello Hokage-sama! I drew something for you." I smiled as i tore the five pictures out and handed them to him as he looked at them smileing slightly. 

"This is very Good Emiri, why did you want to give these to me?" he questioned as he laid his pipe down on the desk. 

"Because you let me live here and start a new life. Something most other villages probably wouldnt do. And this is a small way of saying thank you." I smiled as he nodded slowly. 

"It is my duty. Now Emiri if you dont get along you will be late for your final exam." He chuckled as I started flipping out again before running to the acadamy.

A/N i know its short but i had to rewrite this chappy because it was deleted D: please vote i love reading your comments :)

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