Chapter 7

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"Today we will be taking the final exams. When your name is called please proceed to the final testing room." Iruka stated as he called a name and walked out. I walked over to Naruto and sat on his desk watching him flip out until he noticed me. 

"Oh Hey Emiri-chan." he smiled at me trying to act like he wasnt panicking a minute ago. 

"Hey Naru-kun" 

"Are you nervous?" he asked me while he messed with his thumbs. 

"Nah. I think ill do okay." i said. I better pass I trained almost nonstop when I was with Orochimaru. 

"Good luck Emi-chan you deserve to be a ninja." He smiled. 

"Emiri Hik-" I sent Iruka a quick look so he knew not to finish my last name. "Hikup!" he covered. 

"Coming!" I said as i hopped off Narutos desk and followed Iruka. 

"Hey Iruka please dont mention my last name to anybody. I dont want people thinking of me differently." I said looking at him through my hair. 

"Ok Emiri I'm sorry i probably should of thought of that sooner." he smiled understandidly at me. We walked into the testing room and Iruka sat down at a table with another chunin. 

"Ok Emiri to be a genin you just need to make some clones." 

I nodded and quickly did the handsigns to make six or so shadowclones appear behind Iruka. "Shadow clone jutsu." there was a puff of smoke and Iruka and the other chunin looked around while i smirked. My clones went behind Iruka and tapped his shoulder making him fall out of his chair. 

"You pass Emiri, how did you learn to place those clones in specific spots?" Iruka asked righting himself as I grabbed a blue headband and tying it around my forehead. 

"My brother taught me when I was 8." I replied as he gaped at me. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked. 

"No but thats a good skill to learn at that age." 

"Oh Thanks I Think." 

"Bye Emiri." 

"See you around Iruka-sensei." 

I walked out of the acadamy and saw Naruto sitting on a swing alone. I sighed. He probably needs to be alone. I thought. I walked to the Hokages office to aske where the training grouds were, but since im stupid I didnt think of asking a village member. 

"Excuse me Hokage-Sama, where are the training grounds?" I asked him as a man in a green jumpsuit and a jounin vest burst through the door. 


"AND I AM ROCK LEE!" a smaller version of the jounin yelled. I looked behind them to see a girl with brown hair up in two buns wearing a pink tank top and navy blue pants sweatdropping while a boy who had a tan shirt on with brown shorts and brown hair about the length of mine rubbing his forehead. 

"Ah Team Guy how was your mission." 

"It was a sucess! My youthful team always pulls through!" he yelled smiling with his teeth sparking causing me to anime fall. 

"Good, I expect you are going to train now correct?" 

"Yes!" Gai exclaimed giving a thumbs up. 

"Would you mind sharing the Training Field with Emiri?" 

"Not a problem! Maybe she could join us!" 

"Very well, Emiri, Team Gai will be heading to the training grounds. You can follow them and train with them or on your own." The hokage smiled as he took a puff on his pipe. 

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