Harry styles

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Harry styles just posted

Harrystyles:After a while me and Taylor lost feelings

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Harrystyles:After a while me and Taylor lost feelings.Taylor likes a beautiful Woman and I have my eyes out Someone,Simon wouldn't let anyone to actually come out or talk to each other about our sexuality I knew Taylor and I was drifting way back to the first breakup.Me and Taylor will be remaining as friends Taylor is always going to be one of my best friends.Also Happy pride month everyone!!!
Comment are going to be off And treat people with kindness All love -H
Liked by Taylorswift,LouisTomlinson,Harperstyles,Gemmastyles,Annetwist,ZaynMalik,EleanorCalder,PerrieEdward,KarlieKloss and 60.8B more
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Haylor is officially OVER!!!!
The next chapter will be long I promise!
Word count 121

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