Chapter 10

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After finishing your shift and getting help from your parents to sign the necessary paperwork, you spent almost all of your savings to afford a one bedroom little cottage-like house on the edge of the market district. Your parents spent most of the rest of the day helping you move in and you stood in your new bedroom, which lacked many decorations. You had a few trinkets that you kept in your room scattered around but as you lived here longer, you hoped that you could fill it with proof of your hobbies and achievements. You let out a deep sigh, stretching out onto your new bed — well, it was still your old bed, but it felt new in this unfamiliar environment. You looked out to the window you'd yet to be able to install blinds on and see the sun reaching its trough, the sky mingled in oranges and purples as night slowly blended in.

"Do I have work tomorrow?" You mutter to yourself before falling fast asleep on your bed, on top of the blanket and still fully dressed.

Your eyes flutter open rather ungraciously and you shoot up, flattening out your hair before checking the clock on the wall, seeing it was only 8. Well, that wasn't too bad of a sleep, you smile to yourself before beginning to get dressed for the day, grabbing your work apron and tying it around your waist. You make sure to slip some shoes on before taking a quick glance at yourself in the mirror, making sure there were no flyaway hairs before leaving, heading to the restaurante. The walk wasn't too bad, but it was a bit more than you were used to. As you walked in, your mother greeted you.

"Y/N! I was starting to think I'd have to go over and wake you myself," She teased as you rolled your eyes. "Haha, very funny, mamá." you respond playfully. You look around, noticing the absence of even the regular customers. "Where is everyone?" You ask, looking back to your mother. "Oh! I was just about to tell you; we have a catering order for the Madrigals!" She squealed excitedly. "They're having a celebration for Pepa since they found out about her baby, and they want us to prepare the food! Your father and I have been up since 7 preparing everything." She told you as a shocked expression crossed your face.

"That's awesome!" You exclaimed as you followed her to the back. "When are we supposed to bring everything?" You asked as you glanced over to your father who was preparing an assortment of desserts. "In a few minu–" She began but you interrupted. "Wait, why don't they have Julieta cook?" You ask curiously. Your mother stopped and turned around. "I don't know," She responded. "Maybe they didn't want her working too hard?"

Oh, that made sense, you thought to yourself. "Now help me gather everything!" She ordered and you complied.

You and your parents loaded up 3 carts of food before heading out, making sure to lock the restaurante doors behind you before you began the rather short journey to the Madrigal household. When you arrived, there were already decorations being set. Subconsciously, you scan the household for Bruno, almost disappointed when you didn't find him. Regardless, you had to help your family for the time being, so that's what you did.

Once everything was set up, you take an empty seat that wasn't being used at the large table for the Madrigals. A hand on your shoulder made you jump and almost scream as you quickly turned around, recognizing the green eyes staring back at you. "Bruno!" You say, standing up and grinning. He gave you a weary smile. "Sorry, did I scare you, Y/N?" He asked with worry lacing in his tone. "Huh? Oh, no! You didn't, just caught me off guard a bit." You assured, waving your hand dismissively.

"I'm glad to see you," you smiled softly. "Sorry about the other day– y'know, with the uh..throwing you out of bed." You snicker, an embarrassed blush crossing your face. "The face you made when you realized I was awake was more than enough payment." He chuckled teasingly.

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