Uncanny Encounter

333 8 5

( Takes place 2 years later than season 2)

(pov: Hunter)

Gosh what am I gonna do I have no work and I need money for rent by the end of the month!! I am gonna end up on the streets and goodness who knows all the people I have imprisoned in the past I might end up dead. 'calm down hunter'  I hear someone say, but I began to say but ended up being shushed by willow.

 'Hunter take in a deep breath' Willow said

  As I take a breath willow says something that caught me off guard almost making me choke on my own air.

If you need a job that bad hunter I know a band that happens to be rising in the industries 

Willow I swear to titan right now I will tell your little girlfriend about your secret stash of her clothes if you are lying to me, I was about to say more things but I got interrupted.

Geez shows you how much you trust me well anyway if you wanna a little more info about this band you might be working for your gonna have to meet up with them , Oh! but I can~ tell you my so called girlfriend is the bassist in this band Willow says.

Oh~ I guess that's how you found out about this I was begging to think that I was going to get scammed.

Hunter! you know I would never scam yo-

Willow! I know but doesn't mean that people are telling the truth I know you would never scam me you are a great friend I don't think I would've survived without my Friends although I don't think amity likes me still.

once I mentioned  amity's name Willow froze I couldn't tell it was me or if she actually did but i shook it off anyway. 

Before willow left I made sure to get the band info from willow and got ready for bed.

the next morning

 The next morning I woke up to flapjack pecking at my head basically telling me to get up 'that's why I never really got an alarm clock'. I got up and went to the kitchen to make me some breakfast I ended only making a sandwich cause I really can't make much. I then decided to get ready and start heading towards willows cause she only told me the name and there pins-ta  and you can't message them unless they were following you so I grabbed flapjack and headed to willows when I got to willows I pulled out my scroll and texted willow and said'

Hunter: willow i am outside of your house.

Willow: WHAT!!! why didn't you text me before you started heading here

Hunter: i guess i didn't think of it 

i am sorry

Willow: it's fine but boscha is here so don"t you dare saying anything!

Hunter: OK that actually works out

Willow: what do you mean?

Hunter : I'll tell you later.

a couple of minutes later willow came done stairs and let me in.

So~ what brings you hear so early? its literally 7:30 in the morning

Oh ya I really didn't get all the info of the band that I needed so I wanted to talk more but since boscha is here I can talk to her, once we got to willows door willow opened the door her walking in first not even a couple seconds later I walked right in after her. I looked to the right where willows bed was and sure enough their was the three eyed pink haired bassist.

Hi guys its the author here sorry this chapter was short i promise the other chapters will be longer if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know and I hope you liked this chapter have a great day!!!


Hunter x Edric (band au)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu