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hello guys author here just wanted to apologize for no recent updates so i hope you enjoy this chapter


(pov: Luz)

Me and am'y were talking about the band and when our next concert was gonna be she was about to answer but then boscha decided to come ruin our date well anyway , our conversation well it might as be a date anyway our date was ruined we decided to go to our dorm since boscha decided to be a date killer.

When we arrived I decided to let boscha know she ruined our date so I tried to say it very loud and clearly but instead of me saying it amity did " Thanks for ruining our date boscha". Then after we walked through the door I saw edric walk into his room I decided to go let him know we are here when I walk to the room I  saw  a body on the bed so I immediately yell saying edric has a body in his room. 

(pov: Amity)

After we got to the dorm I decided that I wanted something to eat so I went to the kitchen after making a sandwich I hear luz scream something all I could catch was body and edric's room.

I rushed over to see luz talking to edric then I see an unconscious hunter on edric's bed then I noticed that he was injured I then walked up to edric demanding him to tell me what happened not that I like hunter or anything it's just that I am not a bad person you know.

edric explained to me that he bumped into him and his head hit a rock or something and so on.

Hour later

(pov: Hunter)

I woke up in an unfamiliar place I when I began to sit up I remember bumping into someone can't remember who though but once I see them again I will whoop them. Once I sat up I looked around to try an figure out where I was but to no avail, then a guy with green hair walked in making me put my guard up he chuckled and said " calm down tiger I am not gonna eat ya" witch mad me turn a bright red color cause it was embarrassing.

After asking questions about how I got here an how long have Iv'e been out and him saying he bumped into me felt  responsible and took me here and while leaving the room Iv'e been out for a day, Witch made me remember I have to go to work tomorrow making me panic then boscha walks in and says that if I okay with staying the night I can and will start tomorrow still so I agreed to stay the night since it will be easier and then I passed out.

I woke up seeing a monster I cant say what it was but it had blood on its mouth I tried running but it was to fast I tried fighting but it was to strong so I just gave and then I woke up sweating and screaming and then everybody came running into edric room making me even more confused.


Hi guys author here sorry if this chapter was a bit confusing I am just making this story at the top of my head so please just go along with it i will try to write son at least a chapter a week.

Word Count: 565

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