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(pov: Edric)

I was sleeping on the couch since hunter apparently was on my bed,me and em's new bodyguard and now I am probably gonna be hated by him what a great way to start our relationship. Gosh what am i gonna do the one hot guy in the world will now hate while thinking about all this I hear a scream come from my room.

I get up and start running almost tripping over my own feet I make it to the room luz and amity behind me and hunter just staring at us in confusion. I slowly started walking up to him and put  my hand on his shoulder I asked if he was okay he shook his head just barely being able for someone to notice it I then asked if he wanted a cup of water and he replied with a yes.

(pov: Hunter)

After agreeing to a cup of water edric came back with it and handed to me to be honest i was still a little shaky from the nightmare Iv'e been getting them a lot lately I think I am gonna have to go visit the doctor, Hunter! I hear.

I then focus my attention to luz who was now standing in the place edric was she was trying to tell me that I could start an extra day later. I agreed to it of course but one thing unexpected than getting injured is how nice of a guy edric blight is I am really happy that at least one of my employers are nice although I don't like amity blight I do not wish bad luck on her.

The next day  

I decided to go to the doctors today to help with my head and my constant nightmares.Once i arrived about five minutes later they called my name they first took a look at my memories and put a perscription for that and added one more perscription for my head, I left the hospital and headed home and noticed that I had left flapjack at the bands dorm. 

I went back to there dorm and knocked on the door and a girl who looked like edric but female answered it she then "oh you must be hunter, edric told me earlier you might come by please come in" so I did she then gave me flapjack and asked if I would like to stay for dinner and I agreed my heart hoping edric would be there.

After an hour or two edric luz and amity blight were waiting for the food across the couch from mine. It was really awkward then edric decided to bring up the upcoming concert then he smiled at me and said I hope your up to the task of protecting me cutie the little nickname he called me made me blush then  emira called from the kitchen and said "stop flirting and come eat".

Causing both of us to turn bright red I then tried apologizing to edric for embarrassing him but he said that he called me "cutie" first, After an hour or two i was about to head home but they asked me to stay the night since it was dark out and I agreed to then all of us decided to go watch movies.

Me and edric sat on the couch luz and amity layed on the floor and boscha and will sat in beanbags.We decided to watch a human movie called the lion king. to my surprise it was pretty good making me not notice the sleeping boy on my lap.A couple minutes later I fall asleep myself due to the exhaustion .

================================================================================I thought I would give you a gift for not freaking out for not posting for a while so  posted this in the same day

Word count: 623

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