My Personal theories

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For starters, I have ADHD so I'm not wasting time giving readers a summary of my whole life. Let's jump right into it,

I've always known I was Transgender, I just didn't know how to articulate what or who I was as a child. I've always known my physical self didn't match who I was consciously. As a child, my body felt like a car I was driving but not something that was one with me. My physical body felt like a vessel and my consciousness was detached from it. Essentially I felt like a conscious being living in a false body desperately trying so hard to convince myself my body is who I am.

I've recently started to delve into different theories about self and what this means. Is really about gender? Maybe it's not entirely about gender and it's that I am an entirely different life form of conciseness as whole within this physical body. After all, it does feel like trap, it feels like a lack of control, and the robbery of my physical experience as a boy/man.

I think being Transgender is a physical example that consciousness exist. I think I might have something to do with reincarnation or perhaps it was a physical shift of consciousness that happened while I was a baby and can't remember. I am unsure but what I am certain of is my consciousness is real and beyond this physical realm. My consciousness is a separate entity than my physical self. A lot of people who are not Transgender think it's some form of mental illness but it's deeply spiritual and has more to do with consciousness. It's outside of your human physical body. It's beyond this physical realm in general. Being aware that your consciousness doesn't match your physical body should make people ask more questions instead of coming up with simplistic answers like "mental illness"

Let's delve into the unknown and ask ourselves questions far beyond what we imagined. There may just land the truth of this incredible universe

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