(Mostly) Fluffstuck headcanon dump

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Really not much bc I am a little blocked....

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Aradia softly headbutts the people she cares about. It's a way she likes to show affection that she learned from her lusus.

Damara is a Cupcakke fan. I take my leave.

Roxy also introduced her to artists like Nicki Minaj and Lil Simz.

Trolls not only purr, but communicate with trills and, in the case of seadwellers, clicks when they're content.

Terezi's favorite earth food is cherry Jello.

Nepeta and Meulin's purrs are slightly higher than an average troll's.

The spot just behind a seadweller's fin as well as the fin itself is very sensitive, and they might just melt into you if that area is scratched.

Nepeta does that... Cat thing where she'll knock things off the table or counter if not placed out of her reach.

She also nips as a form of affection. You could be laying there cuddling her and she'll randomly nom your arm.

Calliope does a little blep when she laughs or feels flattered by something.


Bec served as both a guardian and a service animal to Jade. He was able to sense when a narcoleptic episode was about to happen and get her to a safe place.

Tavros felt most attracted to Jade because of her compassion for all living things

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i'm Sure that right after this gets published I'm going to think of more stuff than what's in my notes

-Ironic Megido

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