❤️Jade Harley x Reader❤️

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Okay I was a little tipsy in the beginning of this fic but i made like no errors-

Warnings: none

Request by my lovely mutual SPINE (Quotev) <3

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Today was an unusually warm day for spring. And things were going smoothly. It was Friday, there was barely any traffic going to work, and your boss even had the heart to to let you out of work early. So you took it upon yourself to enjoy a day at the park. wasn't often that you could enjoy a moment like this, so you decided to take advantage of this beautiful day.

You observed your surroundings. The air was warm, but not humid. The sweet scent of the flowers taken good care of by the park curators entered your nose. And dogs of all shapes as sizes roam the grassy areas of the park with their handlers. There weren't as many as they would have usually been, but there were still a good amount of pups.

That was your favorite part.

You LOVED animals. And you always wanted to pet every dog you saw, but didn't have the courage to approach their owners.

And boy, you especially loved (fav dog breed). You wish you had one of your own/you even had one of your own!

You laugh to yourself. Dogs are the best.

you're lost in your thoughts when you hear heavy, panting behind you. You look over your left shoulder to see a huge snow white dog with pointed ears and an elongated muzzle.

"Where the heck did you come from?!" You ask the dog. No answer. It's like he just teleported here! You squat down to meet the pooch's face.

"Hey, fella..." you speak to the dog gently. "Where's your owner, boy?"

The white dog's tail wags aggressively before he toppled you over, attacking your face with kisses.

"W-whoa! Easy!" you shout as you try to regain yourself.

"Becquerel!! Off! Leave them alone," a voice scolds. The big boy-I mean the large canine pauses, turning towards the direction of the voice. You attempt to set up to see for yourself where it came from.

"Bec! Bad boy!" The source of the voice scolds again. The dog steps aside, allowing you to sit up fully. Wiping doggy slobber off your face, you look up to examine your rescuer. A young woman stands before you.

"I'm so sorry! "She apologizes. "He's not usually like this." the young woman had break green eyes framed by roundwired glasses. She had freckles and bushy black hair that trailed to her waist. She wore a white skirt and T-shirt with a graphic of an atom. She was beautiful.

"O-oh it's fine "you dismiss "he means no trouble. " 'Becquerel' licks your cheek again. The young woman laughs.

"Becquerel, huh? That's a new one."

"Yep! But I just call him Bec," She extends an arm. You take her hand as she helps you up. Her hand was soft and you felt your cheeks darken a little.

"I'm Jade," the young woman smiles.

"It's nice to meet you, Jade," you return the expression. "I'm Y/n,"

"It's nice to meet you too, Y/n!"

You both look down at Bec. He was sitting on his haunches while panting happily, tail still wagging.

"He seems to really like you," beams Jade "You can pet him if you want."

You reach your hand in between the pup's ears, rubbing his head. Bec's fur was incredibly soft.

"Hi, baby," you coo. Your smile widens.

Jade kneels and pets the dog's back. "I've never seen him this friendly with anyone." She points out. You turn to look at the ravenette.

"What breed is he anyway?" You inquire. Jade shrugs.

"I dunno, he was my grandpa's" She meets your eyes and pauses, appearing to be lost in thought. You feel your face heat up once more.

"Did you just move here?" Jade's turn to ask. "I've never seen you in the park before."

You laugh. "No, I just don't usually have much time to myself."

"Oh. That's unfortunate." She stands up and clips the worn-down leash she was holding onto Bec's collar.

"By the way, I work at the tea shop on Walden Street" mentions Jade "if you ever do get some free time, stop on in. Our lattes are legendary." she giggles.

She looks down at her wrist. "Crap! I better get going! My break is over in 10" Jade pouts.

"Awww... well it was nice to meet you,"

"You too!" She smiles and turns, leading Bec. You began to walk in the other direction when Jade called out to you.

"Hold on, Y/n, wait a minute!!" She catches up to you and pulls out a small notebook and a pen. She scribbles something on the paper before giving it to you.

You look down at the note. It was Jade's chumhandle, gardenGnostic.

"In case you ever want to hang out with Bec again. Or, y'know...if you ever wanna get coffee or something..." She turns and waves "Bye!!"

As she jogged away with Becquerel, a grin spread across your face.

Man, this really was your lucky day

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Hi hi hope this was good :3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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