Chapter 1

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Trigger warning(s) -

General discussion of mental health, mention of burning, pain, gender dysphoria.



Chapter 1 - July 2nd 2022.

It's 3am. 

I have school in the morning, a new project to turn in, tonight, I'm working on my project. The history teacher said to do it on something interesting on history. So I'm doing LGBT history, I could focus on Stonewall, but I've decided against that. Most people know about Stonewall, I want to tell about those that were before the wonderful event. 

- 4:00am

The laptop screen is burning my eyes now, I should sleep, but I can't. I think my ribs hurt to much. Or my knee. Might actually be both, maybe, I don't know. 

- 5:00am

I'm going to go to bed now, it's dark in my room. I'm going to tell you about myself.

My name is ????

I'm not a girl.

And I don't know who I am.

I wrote down everything that makes me different, its not a long list. 

* If something's to loud, my head hurts.

* If something's to bright, my eyes burn. 

* I can focus on one thought for hours, that apparently isn't normal.

* If I don't make my bed 3 times before bed, I won't wake up in the morning.

* Touch hurts sometimes. 

I consider myself weird, or sometimes a freak. But I've been told not to call myself that. I've also been told that the reason my mental health isn't good is because I'm a teenager. 

I don't think that's why, I just think I'm a freak. Or insane, I might actually be both, I don't know. I think I'll consider this journal as the ramblings of a mad person.  Or, my self discovery book. 

But, if I did that I'd consider this a self - help book, and this most definitely is not. 

This will be the cold, hard, truth.

The cold, hard, truth, of issues with not knowing who you are.


- 6:15am.

I don't like skirts.

It only reminds me that my body belongs to a women.

I'm not a women, or a man. 

I'm something. 

My skin feels tight. 

And my chest doesn't feel right.

I'm not aloud to bind at the moment.

My friend told me not to.

I injured a rib, I wish I didn't at this point.



I'm going to school now.


- ???



Word count - 389

Date of posting - Saturday July 2nd 2022

Time of posting - 13:56

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