Part 1

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Hello everyone and welcome to The Rise or the Rogues, this is still a WIP so be patient! The four clans are ForestClan, TroutClan, ShadeClan and SwiftClan I will make the map of the territories later. Feel free to give me character ideas our your own characters! Most cats are taken in ForestClan so I'm mainly looking for all roles but leader for the other clans (Mediators too!) anyways, thanks.

Rose'Kit awoke to dappled sunlight reaching through the bush-like nursery den, it was quiet here, well except for the noise outside, at least her older sister, Flower'Kit was awake so was Sky'Kit another one of the kits, he was staring at Flower'Kit, Rose'Kit smothered a laugh and ran outside.

' ' HEY YOU! Starry eyed freak! ' ' yelled one of the new apprentices, she believed he was called Shade'Paw. ' ' Don't talk to my friend like that you Mouse-brain! ' ' yelled her younger sister, Sun'Kit. ' ' What are you going to do about it? ' ' teased Shade'Paw ' ' Go cry to you mummy? ' ' he laughed ' ' Oh yeah, right. You don't have one! ' ' Red'Paw and Willow'Paw laughed with Shade'Paw. ' ' Arghh ' ' Said Sun'Kit as she leapt on his back, Shade'Paw threw her off his back and across the clearing with ease, she thumped on the ground. ' ' Sun'Kit!! ' ' Rose'Paw screeched running over to her younger sister, a tear fell down her face then she whipped around, facing Shade'Paw ' ' YOU MONSTER! ' ' She swiped her paw across his muzzle and he looked back at her, shocked. ' ' Why you little- ' ' he reached out to grab her when an orange cat came out and pinned him to the ground ' ' Shade'Paw.. ' ' a soft growl rose in his throat, Shade'Paw glared at him. ' ' You shouldn't be teasing kits, if you have nothing better to do go pick of ticks of the elders with all your friends. ' ' Said Squirrel'Paw, stalking away, into the apprentice den.

It was finally time, she was going to be an apprentice soon she would be a warrior, she longed for a warrior name, what would it be? She was curious, since the day as a kit she had stayed away from Shade'Paw and his friends. Her father, Flint'Star had given her the mentor Ivy'Fur she was a great mentor a few moons later she sent her out on her own to hunt because Ivy'Fur had retired to the nursery temporarily so she was training with her sisters. 

Rose'Paw lay her stomach on the ground and she stalked forward, the rabbit was rummaging through forage, presumably looking for berries, just a few more steps... She pounced, not hesitating a second and successfully catching a rabbit, she picked it up in her jaws and headed back to camp.

When she got there she noticed Squirrel'Paw, he noticed her too and he waved his tail to her, like a gesture for her to come over, so she did. ' ' Hey Rose'Paw! May I share your catch? ' ' She dropped the rabbit and sat down next to the slightly taller apprentice ' ' Sure! ' ' she cut the rabbit in half and quickly devoured in three fast yet efficient bites.

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