Part 2

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She ran outside, she had been an apprentice for three moons now, it was so exciting being an apprentice!-.. we'll except picking ticks of elders, but other then that it is AMAZING!  She flattened her stomach to the ground and slowly stalked a mouse, she heard a rustling noise behind her and jumped, making the mouse scamper away. ' ' Fox-Dung. ' ' She said ' ' Ah, there you are. ' ' mused a voice from behind her, there was a undersized she-cat with long legs behind her and a thin smile ' ' You must be Rose'Paw. ' ' The black and white cat circled her and observed her ' ' Greetings, I'm Socks. ' ' said the she-cat stepping back, Rose'Paw stood there, frozen in shock still, who was this cat? What was she doing here? 

' ' W-why are you here? ' ' Rose'Paw stammered ' ' Ohh..  Well you know your mother Berry lives at the Kittypet Place. It's over that bridge.. ' ' she flicked her tail in the direction of the Kittypet place. ' ' Well, see you soon~ ' ' She said walking away in a calm, elegant manner. Rose'Paw ran back to ForestClan, clearly scared of this unknown cat.

A few days later Rose'Paw decided to go to the Kittypet Place, she saw a lilac point and a grey tabby playing together, they looked around 3 moons younger then her. She then saw a jet black and brown she-cat, she looked at her then ran away, she then noticed a pinkish-brown coloured cat so she approached them somewhat cautiously, the she-cat spun around noticing Rose'Paw. ' ' Who are you? ' ' asked Rose'Paw ' ' I'm surprised you asked, has your father never told you about me?!... how are Flower and Su- I mean.. whatever your names are now.. ' ' She trailed off ' ' Um.. a cat called Socks told me about you.. not Flint'Sta- I mean.. father.. ' ' Her mother's eyes widened ' ' We do NOT speak of that cat here!! ' ' Rose'Paw leapt back, surprised by her mothers anger towards Socks. Her mother then flattened her ears and leapt over the fence, Rose'Paw frowned then noticed a brown and white cat so walked towards her, ' ' Hey, do you know who Socks is??.. ' ' asked Rose'Paw, the She-cats eyes widened ' ' Why yes for I am her Mother. I assume you are Flint'Heart's and Berry's kit. ' ' She said ' ' Well, actually it's Flint'Star now.. ' ' Rose'Paw mumbled ' ' Ah, I see ' ' The she-cat said giving her a warm smile ' ' I'm PrimeRose. ' '

' ' You see my mate, Moon was.. -Complex.. yet he left me and soon after so did Socks, no one has seen her since you. Please, stay away from her. ' ' Rose'Paw listened to her words and walked back through the dense trees trying to forget the odd cat, but now the whole forest seemed to be creeping up on her, as if she were only a mere mouse, prey to this beast. Her fur prickled as she continued her walk to the bridge, she saw a barn, well she thought it was a barn but it looked broken down. She continued across the bridge and then saw a jet black cat with a skull like pattern on his face and a large scar, he grinned at her, she turned around but when she looked back he was gone.

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