7th year pt.1

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"Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone."

"The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman, or child, will be slaughtered, as will every family member. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together." Voldermort said as Hagrid walked up with a limp Harry in his arms as he shook with sobs.

"Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!" Voldermort yelled

"No! No!" A chorus of sobs hit like a wave from his friends.

Hagrid put him down at Voldemort's feet as he shook with sobs. I pushed through the rest of the crowd.

"Ah, Draco. Come. Join us." Voldermort said and I shook with disgust. Then someone behind me hit Voldermort with a spell and the battle was back on.

I kneeled in front of Harry. I picked up his head and whimpered at the sight of him.

"You said you wouldn't leave me," I said as more tears rolled down my face.

"This is what happens to traitors... Avada Kedavra" Voldermort said but all I could think was how I would gladly take the killing curse to be with him again.

I felt Harry move in my arms. I was too stunned to grasp what was happening. He pushed me down and took the wand and yelled "Expelliarmus".

Then Voldermort was nothing but ash where he once stood. Everyone was still fighting off Death Eaters to pay attention to Voldermorts death or Harry's coming back from the dead.

"Are you okay Baby?" Harry asked

"Am I okay? Are you okay? You died you arse!" I said smacking him

"Hey, look I'm here now aren't I? I'm okay Baby." Harry said pulling me into his lap and kissed me.

I melted into the kiss.

"Oh my! Look!" Luna said and she softly giggled

"Is that Harry with Malfoy!?" Ron asked

"Dray? Is he why you push me away?" Pansy asked

"Harry? You realize you're kissing Malfoy, right?" Ginny asked

Harry slowly pulled away from the kiss. He sighed looking directly into my eyes and smiled.

"Of course I know it's Draco. It's not even the first time I've kissed my boyfriend if you can believe it." Harry said helping me to stand up. He wrapped his arm around my waist holding me close to him.

"Boyfriend? Really. Have you gone, insane Mate?" Ron asked

"It's not anything new. It's been what, Merlin, going on two? Yeah, two years now. Since the end of fifth year." Harry said

"I knew it!" Hermione says smiling

"Go about your business. School has been canceled the rest of the year for compensation and time to rebuild before next school where you will redo this year" McGonagall said. We looked around and the Death Eaters had disappeared.

*later that night*

"Baby why are you so far away. Come here" Harry said and I walked over to him.

"What's wrong Baby?" He asked pulling me to sit in his lap.

"You left me... and then everyone judged us for being together. And" I said my voice breaking as my eyes filled with tears.

"Baby, I had to. I didn't want to but it was the only way to kill him for good Baby. As for what they think, it doesn't matter what they think. I love you. I love my Baby. I promise I won't leave again." He said kissing my forehead

"Stand right here. I've got something for you." He said getting up and walking over to his bag.

"Okay close your eyes. No peeking." He said "Okay," He said

"Oh, my Merlin," I said blinking back the tears. He was kneeling in front of me, with a beautiful and simple ring.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, I want to spend every life with you. Every minute I have left and then some. The thought of you with anyone else hurt my heart. I love you so much Baby. Will you allow me the honor of being your husband?" He asked

"YES! I will marry you!" I said and he stood grabbing me and spinning me around. He kissed me and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I squealed when he sat down on the bed, making me straddle him.

"Baby," He said kissing me passionately

"Mmm" I moaned and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and gripped my butt.

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