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We got our letters from Hogwarts to go back to complete our schooling in two weeks.

"Harry do we really need to go back?" Draco whined

"Yes sweetheart. We have to finish school to get jobs Baby," I said

"But, what about us? I don't want to be split up from you again." Draco said

"Baby, we can talk to McGonagall about that. Surely she won't split us up. She was at the wedding, remember?" I said

"I know, what if people make fun of us. What if they say things about our past. What if someone tries to split us up. What if they blame me for..." He started but I could see where he was going with it.

"Hey, hey! Baby. Breath. Let them make fun if they want. I'll be right by you. Let them talk about it. Our past is what we know, let them have their story. I will never ever leave you again. I made a promise and I don't plan on breaking it. You are stuck with me forever, we're magically and legally bound together for life Baby-boy. Let them have their opinions and their assumptions. All that matters is the truth that we know Baby." I said

"I... okay," he said looking down and biting his lip.

"Love, look at me. Please Sweetheart," I said lifting his head a little to look at me. I kissed him slowly pulling his lip from his teeth into my mouth. I smiled when he moaned when I moved one hand to reach around and grab his ass in my hand.

"Knock knock!" Hermione said walking in with her hand over her eyes. I slowly pulled away from Draco as he blushed and tried to pull away completely from me but I held him close to me still.

"Did you guys get the letters to?" Ron asked looking down at his letter from Hogwarts we were just discussing.

"Yes, we were just discussing it." I said

"You are going right? You have to go back. We need to do our N.E.W.T.s if you want to get a good job," Hermione said

"Not that you two need it " Ron said

"What?" I asked

"Well I mean, you've got a free house, practically a mansion. You both have inherited money. You don't have to work," Ron said

"Ronald Weasely! That was a little insensitive don't you think," Hermione said reprimanding him.

"No Hermione it's okay. He's right. We do have the money, and a few mansions when my mother dies." Draco said looking down at his hands again

"I'll go make some tea," Draco said putting on a fake smile. I could hear the crack in his voice.

"Okay," I said kissing his forehead before he walked away towards the kitchen.

"Ronald!" Hermione says

"What it's true he said it himself" Ron said shrugging.

"Damn it Ron. I just got him to feel comfortable about talking about his mom again. He's in there crying now. His mom's not doing so good with his father in Azkaban. There's nothing any healer can do. It's broken-heart syndrome." I said

"His mother was the only one who knew about our relationship and accepted it from the very beginning. He's always been really close with his mother. He feels like everyone hates him and will push his past against us. But he only did it because when he messed up his mother was beaten and he couldn't take seeing his mother bruised and bleeding taking all the curses and hexes for his mistakes because of Voldermort and Lucius beating Narcissa. He doesn't even want to go back because he thinks McGonagall will separate us." I said

"Plus, you know good and bloody well that we only have what we do because of our family is all dead. We have nobody but each other. You have a whole family. Who's alive and love you. We grew up in two different worlds. Ours was filled with hatred, fear, abuse, assault of many kinds, brainwashing and conditioning. Anxiety, depression, becoming suicidal and eating disorders. You got to grow up with both your parents and a whole family of brothers and sister. Even our godfathers were killed. We have the two of us. So yes we do have a house that has memories of people who died. We have houses that are full of awful memories and the constant reminder that we let people die. So don't come into our home and talk about what we have when we don't look at you and tell you what you have that we don't." I said

DDLB (DRACO × HARRY)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu