Five Years Later

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"Daddy, where are we going?" Lily asked, her hair was all Draco with those captivating grey eyes

"We're going to get a surprise for Mommy," I said

"Why?" Lily asked

"Because it's almost Mommy's birthday," I said

"Oh, okay," Lily said

"Daddy! I wanna get Mommy someting" Albus asked, his raven hair was getting long, covering his green eyes.

"Yeah," Lily said clapping her hands

"Okay, okay. But you can't tell Mommy about it okay?" I asked

We stop by the jewelers and grab his special present. Then I take the kids to a store to find something for Draco.

"Can I get Mommy this!?" Lily asked holding up a scrapbook with red and green heart stickers all over it.

"Is that what you wanna get Mommy?" I asked Albus

"Yeah!" Albus said

I grabbed the scrapbook and Lily held onto my hand while Albus was sitting on my shoulders.

We walked up to the register and the lady behind the counter smiled.

"Aw, are they yours?" She asked smiling at the kids

"Yea," I said

"Daddy, is that all we're getting Mommy?" Lily asked

"I already got the rest at home honey. We have to hurry back to Mommy," I said

"Here you go, you have a nice day," the cashier said

"Thanks," I said grabbing the bag off the counter, we walked back and floo'd home.

"Teddy, can you please get down from there!" Draco said sounding frustrated.

"Mommy!" Albus yells trying to climb off me.

"Hold on Albus, don't fall," I said lifting him and he holds his arms out for Draco.

"Now where have you been Mr?" Draco says ruffling Albus' Raven hair.

"Teddy, why are you on top of the counter?" Lily asks giggling at him

"I don't know," Teddy said

"Teddy please get down," I said

"Now, where did you three go?" Draco asked

"Just a little stroll, nothing to worry your pretty head about Baby," I said leaning down and kissing him.

"Eww!" We hear the chorus of the kids

"You'll understand it one day," I said chuckling at the blush that crossed Draco's pale face.

"Mommy! Can we eat now?" Lily asked

"Sure, Albus you gotta get down so I can make dinner," Draco said

"Otay," Albus said pouting but soon forgot about his pout when Teddy took Albus' and Lily's hands and went to the living room.

"I missed you while we were out, Baby," I said wrapping my arms around his waist. He continued to make the kids and our dinner.

"I love you," I said kissing his neck as he bit his lip trying not to make any noise.

"I love you too," He said leaning into my touch.

"Daddy, why do you always touch and kiss Mommy?" Lily asked walking in. I assumed she was coming to ask if the food was almost ready.

"Um. Well honey, when two people love each other and get married when their old enough then they show they love each other by kissing and things," I said

"So you and Mommy love each other?" Lily asked

"Yes sweetheart, that's why you and your brother are here," Draco said

"You and Daddy are married?" Lily asked

"Yes sweetheart, we got married and then had you and then your brother," Draco said setting a plate in front of her. Then set a plate in front of the boys' places while I grabbed mine and his.

"Boys! Come eat," Draco said as we all sat down at the table.

After we all eat and the kids get to sleep we go to our room. I sit down on the bed. Just enjoying the time together.

"Baby, I love you. Have I said that enough?" I asked as he walks over to the bed in just my sweatshirt.

"Yes," He said blushing when I pulled him closer so he was standing between my legs. One thing that stayed the same over the years, Draco and I still were always very different behind the closed doors than around our friends and family, Draco is still fiesty around other people and he only lets out his insecurities and true self with me.

"I have an early birthday present for you Baby-boy but I didn't want the kids to see," I said pulling open the drawer where I had put the adult things. His eyes flickered from the drawer to me, knowing what goes in that drawer. I grabbed the small rectangular box out and hand it to him. Draco slowly opened the box. He looked at it and then at me with wide eyes.

"Harry, it's so cute I love it. But I will not be caught in public wearing this." Draco said and I expected him to say nothing short of it.

"That's perfectly fine with me, nobody else needs to see it. Do you wanna put it on?" I asked and he handed it to me.

I placed it around his neck, it fit perfectly. But it was thin enough you can place a ring on it but thick enough not to hurt him.

"Do you like it, Baby?" I asked

"Of course I do. Thank you, Daddy" He said straddling my lap and kissing my cheek.

"Your welcome Baby," I said placing my hands on his hips, along with a soft kiss.

He deepened the kiss, running his hands through my hair. He whined when I pulled away.

"Go lock the door Baby, we don't want the kids walking in," I said

He quickly locked the door and was back in my lap. "Such a good boy, I think you should pick how you want it, Baby boy," I said smirking as he smiled.

"Daddy, can you make love to me into the bed," He asked biting his lip and looking up at me with a glimmer of insecurities running through them.

"If that's what my Baby wants then that's what I'll do it. Any excuse to make love to my beautiful love is good enough for me," I said flipping us where he was on his back on the bed.

Soon all of our clothes were in a pile beside the bed. I was kissing his whole body watching as his little whimpers and moans and mewls haven't changed over the years but they still captivated me and turned me on like nothing else ever will.

"Daddy! Please stop teasing," he pouted

"I'm sorry Baby boy, the sounds you make just make me want you more," I said kissing him 

I reached into the drawer and grabbed the lube coating his insides as he moaned more at the touch. I reached back over to get the box of condoms out of the drawer and he whined.

"Nooo, please Daddy!" He moaned 

"Are you sure Baby Boy?" I asked

"I want to feel it inside me, it's not the same with that, please" He whimpered

"Okay Baby boy if that's what you want," I said and slowly pushed into him. After a minute he was whining for me to move, and I did.

You can imagine the rest :) 

But I'll give you a hint, nine months later Scorpious was born.

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