Epilogue - The Birth Of A Princess

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"Come on Regina! One more push! One more Regina, come on." The queen's face was contorted with pain and her scream rattled the windows. She was squeezing Robin's hand as hard as she could. Whale was trying to talk her through her latest contraction. "I can see her head Regina come on, keep pushing."

"Whale, I swear if you say that one more time you are going to need a doctor!"

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, but you're almost there. You can do it, come on!" Her scream caused the lights to flutter. "We've got a head Regina, come on, shoulders are next, you can do it. One more..." The look he received from Robin caused him to cut off before he said anything more. "Come on Regina, almost there..."

With one last push the princess arrived. Her cry had the same effect that her mother's did. The lights fluttered as she took her first breath. Regina collapsed back into the pillows as Robin cut the cord and Whale placed their newborn daughter on her chest.

Wrapped in a soft pink blanket the princess started cooing when she heard Regina's heart beat. Dark hair covered the baby's head and bright blue eyes looked up to meet her mother's. "She's beautiful." Tears sprung to the queen's eyes as she looked at her baby girl.

"Just like her mother." Robin kissed the baby's head and then kissed Regina. "Way to go beautiful." The new parents reveled in their baby for a few more minutes. Not being able to bear letting her go, even for a minute, Regina used her magic to clean up the baby and to make herself presentable.

"Okay," she smiled up at Robin, "Go get our princes, it's time for them to meet their little sister."

He kissed the top of her head and ran a hand over his newborn daughter as he moved to the waiting room to collect their sons. Both boys looked up as their dad entered the waiting room. "Are you ready to meet your sister?" Both boys rushed to him and they made their way down the hall. "Now, be quiet, and don't lean on your mother, she's just been through an ordeal."

Henry looked up at him, "We know Dad! Can we see them now?" Robin nodded and the boys pushed the door open. Roland crawled up on the bed next to Regina and peered down at the baby.

"She's so tiny!"

"Yeah she is. We have to be careful with her for awhile."

Henry kissed his mom's cheek, "Can I hold her?" She nodded at him and extended her arms out so he could take the baby from her.

"Mind her head."

"I know, Mom. I'll be careful, I promise." A knock at the door caused them all to look up. "Mom!" Henry smiled as he saw Emma and Snow in the doorway. He turned to look questionably at Regina. She nodded and smiled.

"Come on in. You're family after all." Snow moved across the room and kissed Regina's cheek.

"Can I hold my sister Henry?" She laughed.

"Maybe Aunt Snow would be better..." Henry grinned as he passed his grandmother the baby.

Emma was more focused on Regina than on the baby just yet. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. I cheated and used magic. I should be up and moving, almost back to normal in a couple hours."

"Good." Emma smiled, "I wish I would have had that option!" She laughed. "Congratulations." Regina reached out and grabbed Emma's hand.

She turned to look at Robin, who smiled and nodded. "Emma, we wanted to ask you. Will you be her Godmother?"

Tears welled up in the blonde's eyes. "Me? Are you sure?"

Regina laughed, "Yes. I'm completely sure."

"Well then I'm honored." She turned to take the baby from her mother. "My turn, I want to meet my goddaughter!" Snow laughed as she handed over the baby.


"Yes Roland?"

"You said we couldn't find out her name until she got here, well, now she's here, so what's her name?" Regina laughed.

"Well, I think we were going to wait and announce it formally." She winked at Robin over his head.

"But Mama! That's not fair!"

"Yeah Mom! Come on!"

Both new parents laughed. Robin nodded and Regina smiled, "Sorry boys, you are just going to have to wait. We've already broken enough traditions, this one we are keeping intact."

"Fine," Henry grumbled, "But what do we call her until then?"

"Why don't you just call her Kid?" Emma suggested, "That's what I call you."

"Okay...When are you gonna tell?"

"As soon as we are both released, and I'm up on my feet. Probably tomorrow or the next day."

"That's so long." Roland drug out all of the vowels as he spoke, causing Robin to ruffle his hair.

"Sorry lad, rules are rules."

"But Mama is the queen! She makes the rules! Why can't we break them?"

"I'm sorry my little knight, but I like my rules." Regina kissed the top of his head. She saw Emma laugh as she let out a wide yawn.

"Alright Kid, come on. Roland you too." She handed the baby back to Regina, and kissed her cheek. "We will see you at home tomorrow."

Regina nodded and blew a kiss to each of the boys as they left with Emma and Snow.

Two days later Regina was getting restless. Everyone had been by the mansion to see them both, and she was itching to tell them all her daughter's name. She smiled and waved goodbye to Maleficent and Cruella, with a promise that they would announce it at Granny's later on that evening.

When the boys got home from school she could see it in their faces. They were dying to know the princess's name as well.

"Robin," he looked up at her from the arm chair, "Let's go to Granny's." He smiled and went upstairs to tell the boys. They all three came running back down the stairs, Robin just as excited as the boys, even though he already knew.

When they got there the place was crowded. It seemed like no one had left since the child was born, in case the Royal family happened to drop in unannounced. Tonight there were even more people than before, Maleficent had told Belle of the queen's promise and it had promptly made it all over town.

The two boys slid into one side of a booth, and Robin and Regina stood at the end of the table. "On behalf of my wife and I we want to say thank you for all of the love and support we have received from you all. Not only now, but in all of the struggles we have faced." There was some laughter and murmurs of approval at Robin's words. "I know there is someone that you are all dying to be introduced too, so without further ado," he gestured to Regina.

"We would like to present to our daughter and your new princess," she smiled at them all,


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