California I'm ready for you

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One year later

Me and nancy stormed up the stairs towards Mike's room , if hes not dressed I'm going to slap him so hard!

Nancy burst the door open

" what are you doing?" I demanded

" its literally ten after!" Nancy said

" oh shit , shit! "

" you have thirty seconds or I'm leaving without you , thirty seconds!" We left Mike to get dressed and grabbed some food " boys am I right "

" god I hope will isn't like this to eleven " I said

" oh he probably is " I slapped my hand on my face mentally at the taught of will being that annoying

Soon enough mike came down stairs and mom started to rant at him about 'hellfire club' which was his dumb d&d club he joined right after refusing to play it with will after a hole year which was totally unfair and the reason I would  not be joining 

" nine or no California for any of you" I heard mom say

" WHAT!" i yelled " that's totally unfair! Right dad!"

" listen to your mother y/n " I huffed and pulled my bottle from across the room " hey what did we say about powers"

" well nothing that could actually was said so , nothing you said nothing " I winked " actually, nance I'm not getting the car , I'm getting the portal " I waved and walked backwards through it

I arrived next to Lucas

" hey y/n " Jason and Patrick said

" hey y/n! What are you doing in here , you are meant to be in the main gym" he said

" well I just wanted to say dont make a prick out of yourself in front of all the people , someone had to say it " we laughed together" but seriously , dont "

" alright sis , see you later" he waved as I opened a portal underneath me sending me to the car with  nancy and mike

" SHIT" Mike jumped " stop doing that man!"

" I've come to pick you up , Nancy you can drive if you wanna see it but lucas will be pissed if mike isn't there" I grabbed the scrawny boys arms and flipped backwards through the boot and falling through the ceiling of the gym and landing on the seat next to Dustin

" oh my god you scared me " the curly haired boy said as we stood up

We watched as the cheer team started their dancey dance

Chrissy was looking pretty and making me jelous of her appearance without even knowing it as usual

I cant even imagin how much practice the cheer team and the band have to gi through  

I stood next to max as mike and Dustin argued about girlfriend

" and let's hear it for your tigers!"

The basketball team ran in and I cheered for lucas and Patrick the only nice members of the group

" GOOD MORNING HAWKINS HIGH!" yelled jason " first of hey... first of i'd like to thank all of you  without your support we wouldn't be here . Give yourselves a big hand! And of course , of course , I have to give a special shout out , to the best and the prettiest fans of all time , the tiger cheer squad! Chrissy.... chrissy I love you babe . You know , I think I speak for all of us when I say , it's been a tough year for Hawkins,  so much loss , and sometimes I wonder , how much loss can one community take? In dark days like this we need something to believe in . So last night , when we were down by ten points at half to Christian academy,  I looked to my team! And I said , think of jack , think of melissa think of heather  ,think of Billy! Think about our heroic police chief jim hopper! Think of every single one of our friends who perished in that fire , what did they die for! For us to loose to some , crap school? No! For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat ? No! Let's win this game! Let's win this game for them,  and that's exactly what we did ! " everyone in my group rolled their eyes

friends into lovers ( a will byers x y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now