'detention for juveniles'

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Y/ns POV

We sat at the breakfast table and eleven still hadn't turned up, her eggos were getting cold

" hey guys there is a 4 pm showing of police academy 3, could be fun" Johnathan suggested

" mabye we should just stay home today " will said

" what is this ? You guys just gonna mope around all break?"
" no ones moping . It's just the movies supposed to suck."
" it..."

Mike jumped up and took els food with him

" cmon " I rolled my eyes " she would have come down eventually "

" no , when shes like that, she doesn't eat" will sighed " anyway, I finnished, what about you?"

" yeah , I've I've finnished " I replied "wanna watch some tv?"

" sure" we jumped up and ran to the couch , he turned on the tv and ewoks came on , we sat down and will rested his feet on the table while wrapping an arm around me

Johnathan was reading a newspaper as the theme song played

Just then the doorbell rang

" ten bucks says mom forgot something " will said

" yeah " Johnathan chuckled " I'm not taking that bet "

He opened the door

" hi , does jane hopper live here?" I looked at will in fear

" yeah um , what is this about?" Johnathan asked

Me and will jumped up and looked to the door , cops , shit

" is Jane's father or mother around?" The police man asked.

" no no her moms out of town . I'm her brother, stepbrother but , uh I'm sorry what is this about?" The stoned man asked

" you may or may not be aware of an incident involving jane at the rink o mania " my stomach knotted , I was gonna through up

" that was an accident!" Will yelled

" a warrant says otherwise "

" a warrant? " asked Johnathan " that's crazy that doesn't need to happen!"

El stood next to us

" hey there , you jane hopper ?" The man asked , she nodded

The officers stormed in and began to hand cuff her

" you have the right to remain silent , anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford an attorney . One will be provided for you " I held wills hand tightly, what if she went to prison? What if they treated her like dr. Brenner did ? I couldn't even bere the thought

They took her out of the house and we followed , a crowd of people were watching

" come on can you please just tell us where you are taking her?" Mike begged " and are the cuffs really necessary? Officers answer me" they put eleven into the car , mike leaned over to the window " eleven, eleven listen to me okay? Eleven will you please look at me? Everything's gonna be fine. I am going to fix this . Okay? Just. Just stay calm and everythings gonna be fine , okay?" He car talking to her as the car drove of

" has moms flight left yet?" Will asked

" Shit" Johnathan ran back into the house and SURPRISE, it had .

Johnathan had decided to drive us to the police station to check this out

* timeskip *

I stormed into the police station ready to scream this entire place down if they didn't give me answers

I stopped at the front desk and said

" where the fuck is jane hopper"

" jane hopper?" The secretary asked

" are you deaf?!" I slammed my hand on the table " yes I said jane hopper! Where . Is . She!" I demanded

" calm down " will whispered

" jane hopper " the woman said shakily " okay , yes I see her now. It looke like shes still being processed "

" ok , what does that mean exactly?" Asked Johnathan

" that means they are putting her into the system , after she'll be transferred to a juvenile hall." She explained

" what , jail , your gonna put her in jail?" Mike asked

" a detention for juveniles"

" BULLSHIT! First a detention for juveniles is just a fancy way of saying kid prison and second IT WAS A FUCKING ACCIDENT! THE POLICE MIGHT NOT BELIVE HER BUT DID ANYONE MENTION WHY SHE DID IT? BECAUSE SHE WAS BEING BULLIED BY THAT COW , BULLIED TO THE POINT WERE SHE GOT HUMILIATED IN FRONT OF TONS OF PEOPLE ! And you cant tell me you wouldn't have done the same if that happened to you because I know full well you would" I pointed at her accusingly

" hey chill, is there any chance you we could just see her?" Johnathan questioned further while pushing my hand down

" are you a parent or guardian?"
" no but-"
" we're her brothers and sister, and we're family "
" that's not enough . You have to be a parent or legal guardian, and you need this ones anger issues checked "
" exuse m-"
" you have to be kidding that is ridiculous!"
" that's the law , your not gonna change it complaining to me.you wanna see jane . Find your mother"
" thank you."

I huffed and clenched my fists in anger , as we walked out I flipped five cars out of pure rage and screamed


" we know but we need to do something " he sighed

" we just have to wait for mom to get back from Alaska I guess " Johnathan suggested

" so we just leave her to sit in jail , no not in a million years " I replied

" yeah I dont know - hey " mike ran past us

" Wow mike mike!"
" hey stop the car!"
" mike what are you doing ?!"

We sprinted over to him , el was in that van .

" shit.."

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