Chapter nine.

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Drunken confessions

The silence in the car was deafening. Amelia had her head turned away from Conrad looking out of the car window.

Her head was spinning, and to be honest she didn't know if it was from the alcohol or the punch to the face she took.

She had given up trying to stop her bleeding nose, as the blood had trickled all down her face. She cursed herself as she rubbed at her dress, the blood stains would be a pain to get out.

"Your hair, feels so soft." Conrad's voice made Amelia jump out of her skin. She turned to look at him. He had outstretched his arm and his fingers were twirling the ends of her hair.

Her mind was reeling at his actions, as she started feeling hot. He never took those damn eyes off her face, she was speechless.

Conrad's fingers moved delicately from her hair to the bottom of her jaw. "You know, even covered in blood your fucking beautiful."

Amelia laughed, but couldn't shake the feelings she felt at his words.

There was a comfortable silence between the pair, no one said a word as the two of them kept looking at each other. Amelia put it down to them both being drunk, but she swore she saw Conrad's gaze flick from her eyes to her lips.

The fingers that were delicately placed on Amelia's jaw, traced their way up to her cheek. His thumb lay dangerously close to her lips, as her eyes fluttered shut for a second.

Conrad had a look on his face, a look of deep thought, as he traced the blonde haired girl's cheek.

Amelia opened her eyes to watch the boy carefully, distance between them both becoming shorter, before he spoke.

"Amelia, I need to tell you something."

But as soon as the words left Conrad's lips, Jeremiah, Belly and Steven had arrived at the car. Jeremiah tapped on the window frantically shouting. "The cops are here!"

Conrad and Amelia had jumped apart the second Jeremiah knocked on the window. Belly hopped in the back between them. But to make matters worse a cop had also pulled up tapping on the window.

Amelia could here the usual questions they asked and before she knew it they were being escorted home for underage drinking.

Arriving back at the Fisher's house wasn't fun as Amelia took note of Laurel's face at the door when she saw the cops.

She was standing next to Jeremiah, Belly and Steven in the hallway while Conrad sat on the chair across from her. They hadn't looked at each other since back in the car when they were interrupted, part of her wondering what would have happened.

Amelia was brought out of her thoughts when Laurel closed the door to the cops. "How could you guys be so irresponsible?"

Laurel's tone was harsh and a part of Amelia felt ashamed at herself for letting her down.

"Mom it wasn't a big deal. Right, seriously the cops were just looking to break up the bonfire." Steven said stepping forward towards Laurel, trying to reason with her.

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