Part 14

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Okay sorry to do this to you guys but i won't be posting for a bit over a week because i'm going on holiday plus it helps to get more parts planned.

*Few weeks later*
Clara began her exhausting training. She hated it but she knew the ultimate goal meant putting in long hard hours no matter if she enjoyed it or not. Lando kept in touch, actually he took an interest in how she was coping also gave some great tips. Quite a few were on handling social media but the girl also began training on that too. By the time it comes to race day Clara would be bossing it like always. Eddie also kept contact which was surprising but there is a first for everything.

Pre season is to be held in Barcelona, home. Relief was felt by Clara as she wouldn't have to travel far and she was able to be familiar with the track. Quickly shut down thoughts of her parents or possibly siblings would visit considering it is in Spain. Despite that, the Spaniard felt as if she would explode with excitement as the day began to near and near, the 26th was the first day. The first day Clara is able to show what lap times she can pull out of the bag. Again another relief is that she knows a few drivers, Lando and Carlos. Yet she had briefly met Fernando Alonso while she was karting years ago, whether he would remember baby Clara was a different question. She hasn't changed much her eyes still bright and wide with a smile that seems so shy and bright glowing cheeks which uncontrollably turned red.

3 weeks was all that reminded before the next chapter of her life officially begun. She felt as if it was time to have one last holiday before hand which is what she rapidly booked as the girl isn't shy to book holidays within a short time span. Although England is cold, she loves it. Plus she could potentially see a certain someone which made her grin just thinking about it. God what is this man doing to me!? Within hours Clara's bags were packed and ready to be brought to the airport. Last minutes flights were very expensive in Clara's opinion but she didn't mind as she knew she was to receive a fat check sooner or later.


The next day she landed in London one of her favourite places to visit partly because the shops were amazing for new clothes and quirky styles. Renting out a cute and small apartment for a week is what Clara thought was best as last time she could enter her hotel. The quote the older you get the wiser you get comes to mind. Clara thought see would message him since she was back in England but she was reminded of how he has ignored her causing a sigh to fall off her lips placing her phone down. As soon as she put her phone down it went off. "Of course it goes off then." When the ping of a message went off a phone call followed. Not recognising the number she reluctantly answered.

Hope you are all enjoying the story. Feels like a vibe at this point I can't like. Also if you like it THAT much please star the story. Is it a star? No idea but you know what i means

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