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August 1945 the land was wounded/
Date 6 and three days later/
The cruelty from this device's originator /
The radiation leaving our minds wounded/
The flash of the explosion made our uncovered skin burned/
Impact! Firestorms rises high and the flaming wings scorch far with the wind/
Hiroshima was flat and engulfed by this beast and left it blind/
Internal problems budded in our bodies, in hours death blooms in us/
Children that were protected now orphaned due to this/
6,500 in total and many wailed for their mother/
The adults are no better with their minds displaying somatization symptoms/
Sight of death and hellish bodies were gathered to be inter/
Sight of the wrongly deformed fetuses that came out of the mother's womb/
Sight of the alive baring fictional scars that are now reality/
Sight of the elderly disabled and unable to help themselves/
All sees this totality/
This event is a reminder/

This poem was based on the atomic bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I wanted to try out a piece about history

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