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The wall has risen/

And we'll lose the sight of the sun/

That means an eternal prison/

So then rise up everyone!/

To take back what's ours/

The glorious lands that is strong/

To all us and those that it empowers/

So everyone rise up if you heard this song!/


-Oh why?.-

I tighten my jaw/

What beauty!/

The words seem to come out with no flaw/

You can feel its sense of duty/

It's so strong that one cannot swear to compete/

Since they know they'll submit to defeat/

But why?/

Why do I feel as thou I must challenge it?/



The boy never experienced love/

So he rose high and above/

Thinking he'll find it/

He became part of the skit/

Where one act has ended nicely/

Just so precisely/

That it makes one forget/

All but his regret/

It makes him to seek/

Something that can never be forgiven/

Even by a freak/

That no one else could forgive/


-Stick with..m..?-

Really? Was there no way to know?/

It was obvious, but it's fine/

Since I'm dealing with an idiot/

Or should I ease up the harshness and say/

An idiot is one deal, but a moron is none/

Priceless yes?/

Well there's no need for value since.../

One cannot judge it the same unless one shares the same eyes/

And in my eyes an idiot has it's worths/

So stick around, and who knows?/

It might become pricy/

But it's quite obvious/


-Ending's Beginning's cycle-

It's begun/

Hatred cruel, yet comforting/

Loved kind, yet coarse/

Where is the reminder?/

No there is none/

Because it was I/

It is I who end/

While everything else begins/

Why is there such an unfortunate cycle?/

But enough! The question is.../

Is this where I say "Hello" or was it "Goodbye"?/



Darkening thoughts shall crawl/

Running through your head/

Slowly setting up a wall/

Leaving you the needle without the thread/

Now what shall you build?/

Now what have you filled?/

Nothing? Can't? A hole! Unfixable?/

Unable while unstable? Such a fable./

Cruelty you say? Then drop all and run away/

Towards another branch! What? Their flimsy?!/

Then walk and just pray/

To who? Whoever you want my dear '...'/

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