
6 1 0

-Broken Language-

Hey long ago/

We have meet so soon/

To never been to say hello/

Even if it's past afternoon/

I never thought/

That we'll one day/

Be caught/

In this dance of ballet/

How long it was/

Since I rested from/

This act that's about a red vase/

Now its late to overcome/

For it's spilling/



We hate it, you hate it, we all just hate it/

Just saying it, yeah?/

It really really wants you to get hit/

It'll hurt, but I'm just saying it does yeah?/

It most certainly likes to smack your head like it was a pie into another's face/

Now it'll get y'all both mad/

And embracing each other wouldn't fix this case/



Was it really me you search for?/

Or was it the merits that came with it?/

I can't trust you anymore/

You disgust me to my very core/

Yet why do I still love you and it?/

The one that's wrapped in warmth waiting/

Oh when did I start caring?/

No, I didn't start, I was already/

I knew it as I caress myself that held these materializing feeling/

Yet I refused, and refused again/

No acceptation was to be made/

Because neither I or you will gain/

Anything from this stupid fight/

But was it really me that prolonged this?/


-6 words-

First alone, next surrounded. Lastly sadness.
Flawed words. Truth. Lies. Who spoked?
Thank you, for you, I'm sorry.

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