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A lot of things were done

But it all started with someone

Then ended with everyone

Leaving it undone

If it lasts far too long

Even if it was done it could be wrong

If it's too short

Some will crave for more

Others just want it done

And leave it and begone

From the situation of having more

So a lot of things has been done

That could've been started by anyone




Just sometimes/

When I think I'm close enough/

I reach out and try to grab you/

Even if you look harden and tough/

But your just a child who looks for a dream to pursue/

Unlike me/

Who has given up, leaving it out of my sight/

I just run and throw away my key/

Unlike you who grips it with all your might/

So sometimes I'll try to reach out/

To you who is always so bright/

And so very, yes, who always will be so far away/



Taking a step forward was enough/

Even if it's actually not a step/

As long as it goes forwards that's enough/



I haven't forgot/

The cruel deeds I have done/

In this lonely cage/


See the sea.

The soft whisper of the sea/

Blow me lullabies to my eyes that can see/

This is where we said goodbye/

When the you cried like the sky/

And the sea roaring with me for you/

Now I taste the sea like my tears/

I smell nothing but you/

Everything is away, even my fears/

The soft whisper of the sea/

Tells me lullabies to my eyes that can see/

This is where we say hello/



Hey guys! To those who is reading(still) this, I really don't mine if you share these poems and credit me. But don't claim them for yourself, nor say I taken them from anyone, if I had I will say it with the poem. Anyways thanks for reading my poems! :3

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