rise and Gimmy oc look and ability+ rainimator AUs part 2.5

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Drag_thunder:Ok sooo here their oc and ability start with gimmy.

Gimmy OC is look a lot like his profile and he had suffer ability, peace ability (that could teleport in drama way and could peace his enemy or Alie), wand (summon any kind of elements power and kinda copy Stella magic a bit),crown and cape(his crown middle gem(🔴) can shoot laser right gen(🟢) for healing and left gen(⚔️🛡️⚫⚪) for summon army (maximum is 20)and could also stun the enemies the cape can summon shelid (this cape is technoblade's he gave to gimmy cause (no not because they similar) but his successor (my au ok).

Rise OC is half demon and half angle (similar to her/his first account)(she born as a female but trans to be male soooo in my au I make her genderless and he go by he/them) he had fire ability, meotor ability, blast ability, teleport ability, wing(of course), horn laser attack.

Drag_thunder:Ok here we go.

(Rain POV)
Before me and Stellail leave the overworld Patrick telling us something that make us a bit shock.

Patrick:Wait king and queen.

Rain:What is it?

Patrick:There is someone I need to show you.

Rain and Stellail:And that is.

Patrick tell them to come out and then two random people shown, one look like a king and one look like a half demon and angle I can't tell if she a netherkin or not.

Rain:Umm.... Patrick who are these two.

Patrick:Right, guy pls introduce urself.

Gimmy:Hi I am gimmy and no I am not a king these are suit.


Gimmy:The wand gave me a special ability the crown had three different gen power and my cape is a protection sheild.

Rain:May I ask why is the cape not suit you and sorry if I being rude.

Gimmy: *shock in pain and started to cry*

Rain:W-w-wait I am sorry I shouldn't have say that.

Gimmy:No it's ok to tell you this the cape actually did not suit me it actually belong the legend.

Rain:Who is this legend?

Gimmy:He my teacher, he took care of me and teach me to be a best fighter than him and I did but is not in his 75%.

Rain and Stellail:What do you mean?

Gimmy:He still stronger than me but he go easy on me cause I am not ready at his full strength cause judging by my strength I going to die by his full power.His speed and strength is incredibly powerful than you guy could imagine, but then he pass out cause cancer.

Rain and Stellail:Oh I am sorry for your lose.

Gimmy:It okay, you guy didn't know.

Patrick:Now the second person.

Rise:Hi I am Rise I am a half demon and half angle and no I am not a netherkin if you are question my horn. I had the demon and angle ability.

Rain:Oh I see.

Stellail:She so pretty and cute.

Rise:Umm I am genderless...

Stellail:*embarrassed* Oh...

Rise:Hahah don't need to be embarrassed people also mistaker about me.

Patrick:Ok that all I could tell you guy and what so important to them is they will be a backup if you guy are about to be defeated.

Rain: Oh I see thank Patrick.

Stellail:Thx Patrick I really need backup if I in a big trouble.


Then that it we take each of them to our dimension.

(??? POV)
Man it so cold in that biome glad there a nether portal or else I might freeze to death.

Nether general:Piglin what are you doing get ready to pick ur sword ready for some training.

Piglin (???): Oh yes yes I am sorry for standing here.

Nether general: Anyway better train don't make the queen disappoint you.

Piglin (???): I won't make her disappoint me.

Nether general:Every well now GO TRAINING.

Piglin (???):Y-yes sir.

Man that guy is a bit creepy when I am in this form.


All nether mob:*shock and run toward her*My queen ur back.

Stellail:Yes and I had bring a guest.

All nether mob:Who?


All nether mob:HALF DEMON AND ANGLE.

Rise:Wow chill.

Stellail:No they can't when they see something that cannot be exist they scream cause of shock.


Nether wither knight (Omega):heh she so weak.

Rise:Umm I am genderless.

Nether wither knight (Omega):Yea yea yea I don't give a damn about ur gender let fight.


Stellail:Umm Rise I don't think is a good idea to beat one of the strongest warriors.

Rise:How many are they?

Stellail:10 of them the one you going to challenge is the 5th strongest.

Rise:Oh, no worries I could handle him.

At the nether area(small)

Wither knight (Omega):So you want a fight huh brave I must say.

Rise:Thx but your going regret this for challenge me.

Wither knight (Omega):Heh how tha-.

That so-called Rise just teleport that knight in the sky and didn't die but in shock and that not all he just breath fire and surrounding the knight, making the knight surrounder now this make me don't want to challenge him cause I can't expose myself.

Stellail:W-wow that was awesome Rise.

Rise:Yea it actually not my full power.

Stellail:Wow I think I might make you my right hand.


I can say that she is a best opponent to take on just wish he stronger than that two eye.

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